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Well, Riker told me that Darren isn't cooking. He also spilled that Darren really pushes himself to do this. To do such an effort. Darren's so sweet, right? He was. You know what? I haven't heard someone did this for me, well, I mean... I haven't encounter someone who could push themselves to do such a task that they didn't like to do in reality, just to impress. 

Honestly, I began thinking that Darren will surrender in that thing. It's okay, at least he tried... 

6:35 in the evening while I was driving my car when Riker started to texted me again.

  "Hey, Chris! You know where Darren was?" Riker send me that message.

"I didn't know." I replied.

Minutes passed, my phone rang again.

"Okay! I think I'll give you the map of it instead." 

I looked at his message and try to read it again. What?! Map? Riker will send me a map? Silly.

"What, Riker? Send me a... map?" 

"Haha. Definitely, Chris. So... I'll send you that one. Just wait, bro."

Well, if Riker was joking, it's not funny. You know what? He's trying to make a funny joke, but in reality, it wasn't. In short, it's a nonsense and corny joke... Shortly, I received a multimedia message. It was a route, then an address. So maybe, it was Darren's address.

"Thanks for this, Riker. Well... are you sure this is the right one?"

"I'm really sure about that, dude. Trust me."

I didn't reply his last message. I was hurrying when I reached the place. There's no parking lot here so I stopped the car near the gutter and walk to the mini-fence. The address told that it was the exact location like the address in the message. I went to the door and tried to call his name.

"Hello? Darren?" I asked.

Then, seconds later, I saw the door opened. And, guess that Riker's right. It's Darren.

"Oh... Chris.." Darren started, looking at me.

His smile was intimidating. I couldn't help to smile. "Hey, you're okay?" I asked.

Darren looked at me before answering.

"Yeah... please come in."

I just followed him. Well, it's my first time to visit a house. Actually, this is the first time that someone invites me to their house just for recreation. In Darren's case, he invited me to his house because of his "dinner invitation".

"How do you know my address?" Darren began asking me.

Do I have to tell a lie? It's Darren. I should tell anything.

"Riker told me. He texted me a while ago." I said, laughing.

"Oh.." he said, mumbling.

"Are you okay, Darren?" I asked, worried.

"I was. But..."


"But... I haven't prepared anything for us. I'm sorry." he admitted.

Haha. Darren's actually a kid! He's so cute in telling this. Just imagine about a kindergarten; about to tell that he can't sing, he can't dance in his class... and there's a fear in his voice that everyone will laugh at him. I liked it. It's cute.

I ended up smiling because of that. I tapped his shoulder, looking at him.

"It's okay. After all, I didn't ask you to do this for me. It's too much. Thank you." I answered, still touched. He's the sweetest guy I've met today. I didn't thought that he will push himself in doing such a hard task like cooking just for me.

"But, I can't cook..."

"That's okay. At least you tried. And... Riker spilled everything to me." I said, changing the topic now.

"Spilled everything?" he repeated, still confused.

"Yeah. Riker said that you pushed yourself in this. He told me that you can't cook. But, you tried." 

Then, I saw Darren turned red. He went speechless for a while.

"Darren?" I called.

"Y..Yes?" he asked back.

Since Darren was alone, I guess.. I think we should go out instead of staying in his house. I want to spend this night with him, outside. So, I took his hand and we went to the door.

"Let's go.. we'll hang-out."  I said, smiling at him.

Darren smiled back, holding my hand tighter that before. Darren locked the door and we began walking outside of his house, holding hands. Darren didn't looked bother, and so do I. We were walking to my car when Darren spoke.

"Chris... you know what.." he started.

We stopped walking and I automatically faces him.

"What?" I asked.

Before Darren could answer, he smiled, then he looked straightly to my eyes.

"This night will never be the same.." he said, looking at the sky.

I followed him. When I looked at the sky, I saw thousands of stars twinkling in the sky. I exactly recalled when my mom told me the words Among others, only the stars can be your true bestfriend. It will never hurt you, instead, they will bring hope just like its twinkling light during the night...

"It's my first time to look at the sky for quite sometime. And, I'm not alone. Beside me was such a greatest and nicest person I've met today.." Darren continued. Then, he whispered. "And it's you."

I looked at him. "What? Me?"

"It's you, Chris.... and just like the stars in the sky tonight, I will never hurt you."

It was like the words that Mom told me when I was a little kid. And Darren said it a little close. I want to believe him, and I want to say that I agree. But something inside me tells me that I shouldn't believe his words.

"You... know, Darren? You're just kidding. You're a drama queen after all!" I said, removing my hands from his and thought of moving inside the car. But before I could open the door of the car, Darren pulled me and he embraced me.

"Thank you, Chris.." he mumbled.

"Err... why are you saying that?" I asked.

"Just let me do this. That's the only thing I can do to please my bestfriend." he answered.

"B..Bestfriend?" I repeated.

"You're my bestfriend, Chris. And I am happy because I met you." 

I automatically pushes him away from me. Darren looked at me, shocked. 

"Sorry.." I said, looking away from him.

"I'm the one who should say that. Well... " 

"Enough, Darren. It's okay. Let's go. Lea, Naya, Heather, Cory, Chord, Amber and the others are waiting for us now." I said, opening the door of the car.

"Who are they?" Darren asked.

"They are the members of New Directions in Glee. I think you should meet them. They're all nice. And maybe, if chances are... you will have time to wok with them.." I said.

Darren smiled and he went beside me. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

"I tell you.. they are great. And Lea is the one!" I added.

How Love and Friendship Starts (CrissColfer FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now