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I didn’t know why I wanted to sing in front of Chris. You know what? I have my second thought but when I got the guitar, that’s it. I have to do this. Well, it’s not a challenge or whatever. I just want it. Thankfully, Chris liked my song. It’s my version of Bruno Mars’ Lazy Song. Haha, Chris already told that he’s lazy today, right? I think I got the point.

“Yeah, you’re awesome, Darren!” Chris said, smiling at me.

Great. I made him smile because of that.

“I’m glad you liked it.” I said, shyly.

“Of course, who wouldn’t like that?” I heard Chris said, but he was murmuring.

Especially when.... well, what was that? That’s the only thing I heard. Is that a side comment? A bad comment? What? I hope Chris didn’t say that so bad.

“You said something, Chris?” I asked.

“What about that?” he asked back at me.

“You said especially when... what?” I asked, too.

“No, I didn’t say that.”

“Probably I was just thinking something.” I answered. Maybe, I was.


Then, I looked away from Chris, and he did the same. It was totally awkward. But, what will I do next? I didn’t know what to say to Chris. So, I stood and went to the other boys.

“Heyo, Darren!” Telly said, waving.

“Um. Hey.” I answered.

Dominic handed me the script.

“Here’s the script.” He commanded.

“But, I already memorized my part.” I said.

“Yeah. I’m talking about Chris. Give that to him.” Eddy added, winking at me.

“Why should I? Don’t you just went toward him and handed it?”

Riker tapped my shoulder. “Darren, bro, we trust you.”

“Trust me?”

“Yeah. Now, give it!”


“No buts! Go and give that now!”

The boys pushed me again to Chris’ direction. When I faced him, Chris was looking at me.

“Um. Hi.” I started.

Chris smiled a little. “Hi.”

Behind me, the boys were teasing me again. Go, Darren! Go!

Chris looked behind me and looks at the boys.

“T...This is the script.” I said, handing the paper to him.

“Oh. Thank you.” He answered.

“Read it, now. I guess we will start taping later.”

Chris smiled. “Thanks.”

I remained standing in front of him while he’s reading. I was amazed to his simple act.

Chris caught me staring at him. “Yes, Darren? Do you want something?”

I didn’t know what to say. I felt little shaky and uneasy.

“Darren? You okay?” he asked, worriedly.

“Um... Chris?” I said, began sweating now.


“When we finished taping, can I...”


“Can I ask you to have dinner?”

Chris didn’t react for a while.

“Is that okay for you?” I asked.

Chris smiled at me. “Sure, why not."

"See you."

"Yep. See you."

Then I went back to the boys.

How Love and Friendship Starts (CrissColfer FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang