chapter one ◖ he started it!

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It's a normal day in the curtis household, same usual ruckus of boys being themselves- arm wrestling, yelling, plain ol' fighting.

I sit down on the couch next to Johnny, laying my head on his shoulder and watching him fiddle with his hands. "How've you been bud?" I ask him, he sighs and looks at the table. "Same old, same old my old man still hitting me." I frown at that, but I know he doesn't want my pity.

"If you ever need anything just come on over and we can help you out, we'll always have your back Johnny." His body becomes less tense and he lays his head on mine, I smile and close my eyes- enjoying the moment. I feel my body go limp and before I know it, I'm sleeping.

...   ...   ...

"Anyone got a cancer stick?" And there it is, Dallas Winston's loud voice, I don't bother opening my eyes. "Shush, she's sleeping." I hear Sodapop say from the chair across the room. "Pft, like I care." He grumply moves around the room, shuffleing things around.

Than something heavy is on my legs. "Yo, Superman what's wrong with this couch." That's when he starts moving around, his legs on top of mine I can't take it anymore. "Get off me fatass!" I kick my legs around until he falls off the couch. He gives me an annoyed look, "I didn't know couches could talk,"  "And I didn't know you could become more annoying than you already are." He mocks my words and looks at me like I'm stupid.

I lunge at him and try to find a way to keep him down. I move around on him and he grabs my hips, "I don't think you wanna do that doll." I'm taken back by his comment, "Do what?" He looks at me up and down and than I realize what position were in.

I'm on top of him, my thighs crushing against his waist and his hands on my own hips as my hands are on his chest- I think I might vomit. Sodapop starts laughing hysterically as Two-bit comes in the room with his eyes wide open and his jaw dropped.

"You're gonna have flies living in there if you don't shut it." Dally tells him, I look at Two-bit and laugh. "What you laughing at, you want me to tell Darry!"

"Tell me what?" I hear his voice from the hall and I look at Dally. His eyes are wide open, we both move around and I lay on the ground as Dally has his feet on my stomach. "Nothing." We both say, I glare at him as he glares back. Darry raises an eyebrow, Two-bit and Soda both shrug their shoulders. Darry turns back to look at me, my face is bright red.

"Oh wow, would you look at the time. I best be heading home." I stand up and clear my throat, "You're at home." Soda says, I stand there dumb founded, nodding my head slowly at that embarrassing moment. "Stupid." Dally mumbles, "What was that?" I ask him, he looks up at me with a grin. "Wipe that grin off your face or I'll.. I'll-"

"You'll what, babygirl? Hit me? Straddle my lap again? Hmm?" My eyes widen, I look at Soda and he covers his mouth, trying not to laugh- I shake my head slowly.

"What was that? (Y/n) what were you doing to him? You better not of!" Darry comes up to me, close to my face waiting for me to answer. He's acting like such a dad, almost just like dad.. I shake that thought away.

"Hey Superman, she didn't do any of those things I was just playin' around with her." Dally saves me, first he rats me out than he saves me. Oh however can I thank him.. a punch to the face will do. Darry walks out of the room, Two-bit and Soda both start dying again. The door opens and there's Steve, "What'd I miss?" He ask, Two-bit tries to speak between laughs.

"A lot!"

"That's for damn sure, Dally almost killed the poor girl." Soda adds in, I go upstairs and see Ponyboy in our room. "Whatcha doing?" I ask him, he shuts his notebook quickly. I turn my head like a dog, "What was that?" I smile at him, he blushes "Don't.. don't worry about it!"

"Please pony! I promise I won't tell! Just show meee." He turns away from my whining, "No, you're gonna make fun of me like you always do " I stay quiet, he looks at my glum expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that-"

"No, it's true I do tend to pick on you. I'm sorry pony but I'm being hoesnt, I won't make fun of you. I'm just curious about what you were doing." He gives in, opening his notebook I look at his writings. "Pony.. these are really cool." He smiles, I continue reading until I turn the page.

Something catches my eyes, "The outsiders?" I look at him, he bites the inside of his cheek. "It's just something I wanted to write about for fun, now give me it back!" He takes it from my hand, I stand up to leave the room.

"Hey pony.. keep writing maybe some day you'll get somewhere with your stories." He smiles and thanks me. I make my way downstairs, Dally and Johnny are talking. Looks like Johnny finally woke up. Dally sees me enter the room.

"Hey doll, wanna do something?" I raise an eyebrow, "Like what?" He stands up and pulls his pants up so they aren't sagging. "Nothing legal, man." I roll my eyes, "How'd I know you were gonna say that?" He winks at me, "Maybe cause youre in love with the one and only Dallas Winston."

"In your dreams you rodent."

...   ...   ...

He wasnt lying when he said he didn't wanna do anything legal.

As were being hauled in the back of a cop car I glare at the idiot next to me. "Of course I have to spend my days with the most annoying kids in town." The officer who's name goes by Paul says. "Listen Paul, he started it! I simply was defending myself."

"Yeah right! She threw the first hit!" I laugh at him, his nose is all bloody and his side has a cut with a bruise on it. "I threw a stick! I never made hand to hand contact with you!" He throws his head back and groans.

"You liar! You totally-" I gasp and start laughing even more, "Is someone mad cause a girl beat you up?" He scoffs and makes a weird face at me. "As if, you're just angry that I-"

"If you two hoods don't shut your traps, I won't hesitate to throw you both out this car." Paul yells from the front, we both look at each other and smirk.

"BLah BLab JbskxbKOkahsoxnsx!" We make weird howling noises and just noises in general, Paul groans and pulls over. Opening the door for us he let's us out, "Why thank you kind s-" He slams the door and speeds off in his cop car.

Dally and I start bursting into laughter. "I can't believe we did that.." He says, I smile and nod my head. Suddenly my smile drops, I look at Dally and he must've realized it too.

We're still in our handcuffs.

"God dammit!"

"God dammit!"

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