stay out

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Eames opened his eyes slowly to see a busy bar in a hotel. People talking and laughing surrounded him everywhere he looked. Eames took a step forward trying to move around discreetly incase Arthur saw him. He looked around slowly, heading towards the bar. He spotted Arthur at the bar laughing at something a man said.

Eames felt a twinge of jealousy as he continued to spy on Arthur and this mystery man. Arthur looked at him with such adoration and lust, that Eames felt anger bubbling up inside him. He watched as Arthur whispered something in his ear, slipping seductively off his seat, dragging the man behind him.

Eames got up, aggressively, from his seat stalking after Arthur and this strange man. He slipped between the people of the bar, never losing sight of Arthur, who drew the man in for a lustful kiss. They navigated their way through the busy crowd into the lobby and into the elevator. Eames slipped silently behind some people in the elevator.

Not that Arthur would notice, as he was kissing the man passionately in the corner. Eames silently groaned with frustration as he still couldn't see the mans face. The elevator dinged and Arthur and the man got off, followed by Eames not long after. The rushed down the corridor, barely able to keep their hands of each other. Eames lost sight of them for a second as they turned a corner.

Eames was about to turn the corner, when he got thrown back by a strong force. He looked up as Arthur scrambled on top off him, raising a fist 'who are you and why are you following me?'Arthur shouted, not noticing who it was. Eames threw his hands in front of his face.

' woaah. Chill Arthur it's just me!' Arthur's breathing slowed down as he lowered his fist ' Eames?' He asked squiting his eyes. ' yeah' he said, lowering his hands. Arthur punched him square in the nose and got off him. Stalking away.

Arthur awoke with a start. Anger boiling inside him, as he saw the tubes connected to his arms. He heard a low groan as Eames started to awaken as well. Arthur got up, and took two strides over to Eames who was still drowsy.

Eames looked up, squinting at Arthur ,who was towering over him. 'Oh. Hey' he said nonchalantly 'Hey?' HEY!?' That's all you've got to say to me, after you invaded my freaking dream!?' Arthur shouted in his face. Eames backed up a little putting his hands up to defend himself incase arthur tried to hit him which ,judging by his current mood, was highly likely.

''Chill darling. I didnt think it was that big a deal" Anger seeped into Arthur's face as Eames realised he screwed up. He tried to get up quickly before Arthur struck but it was too late, Arthur landed a blow right on Eames' nose and stomach. Blood spurred out of his nose ad he started coughing.

He gasped for air 'okay. I guess i deserve that'  Eames admitted wheezing. ' stay out of my head Eames, otherwise next time I'll give you more than a broken nose and a stomach ache'  he spat as he walked off.

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