Lucifer: But I was thinking

Lucifer: I have an idea for un video

Lucifer: And I was wondering

Lucifer: Would y'all be interested in making a video

Lucifer: And it's 100% okay to say no

Lucifer: Bc I have a million ideas for video that don't involve having other people

Lucifer: But if y'all wanna be in a video

Lucifer: Lmk

Lucifer: Mkay?

"Do you wanna be in a video?" Dean asks.

"Not really, no," Castiel says.

"Wait, what?" Dean says in surprise. "Why not?"

Castiel shrugs. "I kinda still want to stay quiet. I don't want to do things. Plus, it'll get people's hopes up that I'm promoting a new album, and I'd feel bad."

"That's dumb," Dean says.

"And what about it?" Castiel jokes.

Jack: Yes that would be awesome!

"See, you can't say 'no' now," Dean says. "Jack already said he wants to."

"Then you three can do it without me," Castiel says. "I'll just stand and watch. I don't want to get my fans excited over nothing."

"Ugh, fine," Dean says. "Buzzkill."

Castiel shrugs. "So I am."

Dean: Cas is lame and said no but I'm in

Lucifer: W h a t

Lucifer: Why would Cassie say no to me

Lucifer: I'm his favorite person ever

Lucifer: This don't make sense

Lucifer: *doesn't

Lucifer: Fucking autocorrect making me sound like I've never passed an English class in my life

Lucifer: Wait no

Lucifer: Pretend I didn't swear

Lucifer: Jack is here

Lucifer: He's too innocent to hear such profanities

Jack: I'm really not though

Lucifer: Shut up yes you are

Lucifer: Anyway

Lucifer: Cassie whyyyyyyyy

Dean: He doesn't wanna get people's hopes up or something

Dean: Idk it's something stupid

"I don't want my fans to think I'm doing promo," Castiel explains yet again.


Dean: He thinks that reminding people he exists will make them think he's doing stuff

Lucifer: Is he aware that people already know he exists

"No shit, Sherlock," Castiel says, rolling his eyes.

Dean: Cas says no shit Sherlock

Castiel slaps him on the shoulder. "You weren't supposed to tell him that!"

Dean: Cas said I want supposed to tell you that tho

"Oh, just shut up!" Castiel says, fighting back a laugh.

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