Chapter 11: Awestruck

Depuis le début

"Yep, why?"

"You'll need to get on the dance floor to show that you're still willing to be around people. Levi isn't the only one being scruitinized tonight. You need to prove that you havent gone wild. Thankfully, your choice of attire has helped you out a little bit." I nodded solemnly.

"Dont be glum! You can do it, we all know that you can. If you can survive being stranded out there with titans for six years then there's no doubt in my mind." Hanji announced with her usual  dramatic flair.

A soft slow waltz began playing and i found myself reaching for Levi's hand. He averted his gaze childishly.

"What way is better to show that you're on your best behaviour? you just need to compose yourself for one dance. I'm not going to force you-"

"You don't need to beg. It's not refined." I fought back the deep eye roll waiting to happen and took his hand.

He lead me to the dance floor before letting go of my hand and bowing. Following his lead, i dipped into a small courtesy. He held my right hand and placed his other gingerly on my waist while i put my other arm on his shoulder.

We slowly glided across the floor amongst other partners. I nervously met Levi's eyes to find them already on me.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. I understand why you didn't tell me. I just took it personally and-"

"And I would've acted the same. Never feel guilty about what you do when you grieve. It's a natural thing to go through." I sighed remembering Isobel and Farlan.

He must be talking out of experience.

"You're great at keeping the party atmosphere alive." I snorted and he pulled me closer whilst Eren and Mikasa clumsily danced past.

She was of course following his lead.

"Tch what a brat. Didn't even learn anything from those dance classes." He muttered averting his gaze.

"Oh my sina,You gave him dance classes?" His cheeks tinted slightly as he looked back at me.

"I had to teach all of the brats. Tch couldn't feel my feet for days."

I couldn't stop the short laugh that escaped me. Before i could say anything else, the orchestra ended.

Levi copied the other men in the room and kissed the back of my hand before we started to head back to the commander and Hanji.

"On wall sina it's her! She's the one everyone's talking about!"

"What? You mean thats..."

"Yeah! Y/n L/n, she survived the titans outside of the walls for six years."

"Wow, that's one badass. No wonder she's regarded higher than that midget corporal. He's been through shit but she was abandonned in the wild. Even he couldn't survive that."

Levi growled beside me and i took his hand gently.

"They don't know you. Don't let them get to you."

Once we sat down, i got a good look at the crowded room. I haven't seen so many people in so long. With a tight chest i stood and without thinking, speedwalked to the bathroom to clear my head.

A hand grabbed my wrist. I gasped and pulled away only to back into someone. There are people everywhere. There must be at least over two hundred. I stumbled back and collapsed to my knees.

"Hey miss, are you okay?"

"It's corporal L/n, some say she..."

"What is she doing on the floor like that? How pitiful."

"She's the dressmakers daughter. With such a good upbringing, she should know proper decourum."

"Told you she'd freak if you touched her!"

"Hey back off! Let me through asshole." I looked up to see Erwin Hanji Reiner and Bertholdt forming a circle around me.

A hand gently hoisted me up.

"I would have gotten to you sooner if people knew how to listen. Come on." I nodded breathlessly and took his arm.

"She is just nervous about all of the people here that's all. Please don't be so quick to crowd her and I'm sure corporal L/n will be willing to talk."

I breathed deeply. Fresh air had never felt so good.

"You know, you could have just told us where you were going." I nodded as we sat on a bench. "What a pitiful display."

He whipped out a new handkerchief and gently dabbed the tears away from my eyes.

"Thank you." He stuffed it into his back pocket.

"You're welcome." He answered softly and looked forward at the grounds gardens.

I took that moment to look at him.

The gel in his hair was weakening as some strands moved slightly with the soft evening breeze. His eyes seemed less focused than normal. His features were soft and... he had a serene handsomeness about him.

He looked at me in the corner of his eye.

"What are you looking at Y/n?"

The Saviour (levi ackerman x reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant