Chapter 1: found

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(a/n: this is completely in your pov and i wanted to make it so that you learn about your past along with the others because it's more fun to write that way.)

The grassy field around me was beautiful and plain, the grass is a beautiful deep green colour with small daisies and forget me nots littering the ground. suddenly, the ground began to shake and I turned to see another titan running into the woods and three people were running towards me. i quickly his into the bushes and listened.

"the things running with her tail between her legs." I jumped as a loud buzzing sounded in my ear and I jumped from the bush and bumped into one of the people. 

he eyed me in shock, so did the other two. I gulped, I haven't seen another person up close in a very long time. I hope they don't hurt me. 

"Jean, is that-who think it is?" I scrambled off of the strange looking boy i had knocked over. 

"c-captain Y/n?" I rose a brow in confusion. 

"oh-oh god it actually is her. but-how?" the third one piped up as he was being put down by the more muscular of the three. 

"what are you talking a-about?" i asked and backed away in fear of their inquisitive glances. the muscly one sighed and outstretched his hand.

"we won't hurt you. you've lost your memories, right? well we can take you back home." i smiled slightly. 

"my home within the walls? i've been gone for so long that i'm surprised it's still there." i said and he helped me to stand. 

"you were in the military like us, in fact, you were in the same regiment as you can see, the logos on our jackets match." I nodded and sighed. 

"i'm sorry, i can't remember much. I remember random names and faces. and.....blood. a lot of blood." I recalled and they nodded. 

*small time skip*

Reiner sat on the floor with Armin and tended to his head wounds and poor jean had Reiners horse and stayed whistling for his own. I was facing Armin deep in thought about the fact that I could finally go home and that my friends may still be alive. 

"Armin, Armin" i looked up to see the poor boy trembling a little. looks like his head's still a little messed up. 

"two of us are going to have to stay here.we're just going to have to figure out who." i heard and my head snapped up to Reiner. 

"I will. i've survived out here for long enough. I'm sure that I could keep another person alive with me too." I stated, the thought of staying hurt a little but the best way to survive is with a clear head and reasoning. 

"wait a sec shouldn't we at least fire a smoke signal first? if everyone kept going straight squad three should be in close proximity to us by now." armin said  as he stood. 

"it's worth a shot, right?" I asked and jean set it off.

"armin listen, we only wait three minutes. if no one shows, we have to decide who else stays"

"it should be me" he countered taking the tall guy off guard. "but if i'm going to be left out here in the open i need you to relay  message. if possible give it only to commander Erwin." the conversation went short when we saw a cute blonde girl with two spare horses riding over. 

i sighed in relief and clapped armin on the back softly. 

"who're you sharing with Y/n?" I hopped onto a horse.

"Armin, will you join me? your head's injured and i don't want you riding with a hazy mind." I said and he blushed lightly before stuttering a thank you before hopping on. 

we all rode back and i payed no mind to the conversations flowing around me. instead i remained focused on the horse, the feeling of its soft mane. 

"are you okay?" Armin asked s his arms remained wrapped around my waist. 

"yeah, better than ever. I just like to focus on small things from the environment around me. it keeps my mind at ease." i looked over my shoulder to see his soft but worn smile. 

i sighed as we began following the green smoke. a sense of familiarity washed over me and i sighed.  

*time skip*

"use your equipment and find a post! take down any titan that tries to enter" I furrowed my brows. this isn't a logically stable plan, they expect us to guard the trees when many of the soldiers have died. we don't have enough people in order to last out here for long.

"Y/n what are you going to do? you don't have any gear." Armin asked and I sighed.

"well, i can climb up and hope for the best. or I can stay on the ground and cut at the achilles heel allowing everyone to take out the titan easier."

"that's suicide!"

"I haven't survived this long by playing it safe." i replied and Reiner pushed me towards a tree.

"sorry captain but you're going to climb. You inspired so many people to fight, even if you can't remember. " i sighed and nodded before grasping a branch and hoisting myself up before grabbing a few more until I was level with everyone else.

I watched the empty fields to steady myself. I am no help to these people, I already know that and I can't remember much from my time in the military anyway. only small pieces. 

"captain Y/n you will watch over the newcomers in this mission. don't let them leave your sight."

"yes commander." I said as i put an arm around my back and a fist over my heart. 

"good. you are the only one i can trust to keep such an eye on them. stay safe " he said sincerely, I nodded and mounted my horse. 

"you don't have to worry about me Erwin. " and with that we all rode off. 

after that, i just remember waking up in a pool of my own blood and the blood of others. I remember grabbing a bag and crawling into the trees. 

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