Chapter 9: family

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I groaned as I was thrown to the ground.

"Never let your guard down. Y/n." I waited on the floor as he walked closer before raising my legs and taking him down.

"Never let your guard down Erwin." He chuckled as I panted pinning him down.

"Dipshit, i need to talk to-" i quickly scrambled off of Erwin and ran to the stables

"We'll continue training some other time commander! I have somewhere to be!" I called before breaking into a sprint.

Once i reached the stables, I immediately went to Honeysuckle my horse and prepped her before riding off. Past a very pissed Levi and the confused Jean who was cleaning up the stables.

I galloped into the town and knocked on the door of my remaining familys home.

Sarah greeted me with a smile and a quick side hug cautious of the child growing.

"What a great surprise! Come in."

"I hope I'm not intruding-"

"You could never. Trust me, the only thing i see day to day are these walls and father. I appreciate you coming around actually. You can keep the old man occupied for a bit while I get back to my baking in peace." I nodded.

"I'm glad it's okay."

I stepped in and headed to the living room whilst she glided to the kitchen.

"Papa." He smiled at me.

"My darling girl, come over here. I heard it's the kings ball soon. Yes?" I nodded before noticing his shaky hands sewing.

"Papa, how was Jason? After i...left?"

"He was devastated. Naturally, we all were. My little girl, gone, disappeared. He was stuck for a while. He'd go hungry whilst he painted for commisions scraping money up to feed us. " i felt a frown fall on my face.

"Did he stay like that?"

"Heavens no." He said as he continued his delicate needlework. "He met Sarah, she was our neighbor and would often come over to visit. Naturally Jason was absolutely smitten with her kindered spirit and she changed him. Became his light."

I smiled softly. It's all I could have hoped for him that He'd find love and happiness.

"Why did he join the military?"

Another voice joined the conversation.

"He wanted to see what was beyond the walls. He wanted to believe that he could find you so that he could sleep peacefully knowing what had happened. He never lost hope that you had survived and was just missing." Sarah spoke setting down some nice Raspberry buns.

She sat with us and looked at my father with a soft smile.

"If you're going to wear that to the ball, you need some nice matching accessories- and hair!" She exclaimed hurrying off.

I smiled. She was perfect for Jason. They're both kindered spirits and children in adults bodies. I wish i could have seen him grow in the six years I've been gone.

"What do you think?" I looked to my father and gasped at the dress and the detailed embroidery.

"It- it's beautiful. Just like always." He smiled in thanks.

"Here we are. Is it okay if i practice some hairstyles on you? I haven't had girl time in a while." I smiled.

"Sure. The only girl I really hang around is a not quite insane titan obsessed scientist. " i said before letting my (h/c) hair flow out of my ponytail.

She immediately got to work on my hair excited to have something to play with. I watched my father happily pick up one of her baked goods and munch on it whilst keeping his eyes on the two of us.

It must be strange to have your children change places in your life.

"Ooh one of my hairpins will look stunning. You'll have to come over before the ball for me to doll you up. Or I could visit you! Wouldn't that be great. I could meet the infamous corporal Levi properly. And kick his ass." I laughed.

"Please do. You'll be more than welcome to visit." I felt her hands stop braiding my hair.

"Really?" Her voice cracked "I could see his stomping grounds. Is his room still..."

"Yeah. I checked when i got back. His room has remained untouched as I commanded. I'd be happy to show you."

"Thank you." She spoke airily and twisted the braid on my head before securing it in place with two pins.

She then gave me a hand mirror. It looked beautiful. A braided bun was twisted around a ponytail to make it look like i'd tied it up with my own hair whilst the two pins made it come together elegantly.

"Wow. You're really good at this." She clapped her hands at my praise.

"Oh I'm really-ack." I turned in shock.

"Are you okay?!" She smiled weakly.

Sarah sat rubbing her middle gently."Yeah. Just a kick. It's a spicy little thing. Loves to beat me up."

A knock sounded at the door and I stood before dusting myself off.

"I'll get it. I need to head back soon anyway." I excused before answering the door.

I instantly regretted it.

"Erm, commander Erwin wants to see you. Sorry if it's a bad time" I sighed.

"It's okay Springer. I'll be out in just a second." I happily took my dress from father and promised Sarah that i'd pick her up tomorrow.

Once I entered Erwins office, he was filing paperwork. I could tell by illegible scribbling that it was Hanji's research reports.

"Springer said you wanted me?" He nodded and sipped his tea.

"I was wondering if you're ready for the kings ball. You've been back for a month now and thus you haven't been at a public event in six years."

I nodded and took a seat opposite him after closing the door.

"I think I'll be okay. I'll have friends and people from other regiments that i haven't seen in a while. I have a good support network, I'm sure I'll be okay." He sighed.

"No, it's more than that. Are you okay to be in a crowd of people who you haven't seen in six years? People who will cause a scene at your arrival and swarm you? Are you ready for that?"

I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I can't be prepared for every situation I'm thrown into but I can keep a level head. It's just like when I was a squad leader or when we realized that I had the ability of forseeing the future. I can handle it." He seemed impressed with my answer and nodded.

"I'm assuming that pile of fabric in your bag is the garment you're wearing?" I gave a slight nod.

He smiled and leaned over the desk to ruffle my hair before pausing and noticing the updo. He then awkwardly yet affectionally patted my shoulder.

"You'll look great."

I smiled "thanks. Who are you going with?" I questioned and his eyes seemed to glitter in amusement.

"An acquaintance. You'll see at the ball." He replied and I stood.

"Right, well I'll get this in my room and get to my duties training the cadets." He smiled and nodded.

"Good luck. I hear Kirschtein and Jaeger are particularly feisty today." I groaned.

"Honestly they're worse than crows fighting over leftover meat." I left and carried on with my day.

He was right. I wanted to kill those two at the end of it...oh shit does that mean im turning into Levi?!?

The Saviour (levi ackerman x reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя