Chapter Forty-Five

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I tried not to twitch, not to panic, and stay focused and relaxed. 

"You look like you're about to shit yourself" Andrea huffed out. 

I shoved her slightly, watching with amazement as she nearly tilted on her ass, in her extremely high heels. 

"You fucking bitch" she hissed as he grabbed the wall and tried to stay upright. 

Aria came sweeping in, her bright white dress of lace trailing long behind her. That smile on her face, wide enough to make both Andrea and I take a step back. 

Irian strolled in behind her, looking much too proud of himself. 

"Gross." Andrea deadpanned, as she and I watched the smirk on Irian's face increase. 

He walked up to the two of us and threw his arms over both our shoulders bringing us in, his smile getting even larger, "now, now, sisters, lets now throw stones. Andrea's room is right next to ours, and the walls are thick, but not that thick." Irian chuckled while Andrea's face went red. 

"Shots have been fired" I laughed, as my sister shoved Irian's arm off her shoulders. 

"Shut up, Amara, every time I see you, you're in a dark corner with Vikkan's hands all the way up your skirt." She rolled her eyes at me. 

I smirked, "thats not true, sometimes my hands are down his pants" I sniffed, enjoying the disgust on her face. 

"Amara", that soft voice had me turning with a cringe to find my Mother standing there her arms crossed over her honey gold gown. 

I gave a sweet smile, "Mom" I smiled, "you look beautiful, where's Dad?" I asked trying to deflect. 

She rolled her eyes at me as she side hugged Aria and planted a kiss on her forehead, before doing the same to Andrea, "are you girls ready? Your Father is already waiting in the ballroom, along with Vikkan and Khon. Which is where you should be as well Irian." She gave us all reprimanding Mothering looks. 

Irian smiled before kissing Aria's forehead and disappearing into the ballroom across the hall. 

I looked around at my sisters and my Mother, "this is the right thing to do right? This isn't all happening too fast? I mean I just killed Clora, my mortal enemy, five days ago. Should I really be binding myself to Vikkan in front of his entire compound? This is like a wedding, you know, and he really hasn't seen me at my ultimate worst, like haven't eaten all day worst. Someone should say this is a bad idea, is this a bad idea?" I panicked looking at the faces around me. 

"Amara, you bit me yesterday when I stole food off your plate, and then in a hangry fit you threw chicken bones at Irian, violently. The entire time you acted like a hideous gremlin, Vikkan smiled beside you, and handed you more bones to throw. He's not going anywhere" Andrea sighed, kicking at the hem of her white dress that matched Aria's. 

My Mother laughed lightly as she dusted off the sleeves of the stunning black wedding gown I wore. The skirt covered in a sheer violet over top of the satin black silk. My curly white hair braided and pinned into an elegant bun. 

I was technically about to marry Vikkan in the Corstone Manor, after the second day in the Capital we had traveled back to his home. 

"You look beautiful, Amara, and I'm so happy that I get to witness this day" my Mom smiled at me, her hands clasped tightly in mine. 

"She's right, Amara, you do look beautiful, and we are all so proud of you" Aria smiled standing beside my Mother. 

Andrea smiled too, "I'm proud too, I always thought you'd never settle down and just babysit Dad until he was in a diaper."

Princess AmaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora