Chapter Forty-Four

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I felt the first tear slip down my cheek when my Mother let go of my hand and lunged at my Father. 

I watched her arms wrap around him as they both dropped to the ground together. 

The second I heard the scream bubble out of her mouth, I knew it was bad. 

I knew I was about to witness my second parent die in front of me. 

The one who had raised me, held me tight to his chest when I sobbed after my Mother's death. 

The one who would have torn down the entire world to do anything for me. 

Never looked at me as one of his mistakes, but claimed me as one of his true heirs, his true daughter. 

Brought me into a family, a messy, unconventional family. 

But he was able to give me one when I thought I'd never have one again. 

I couldn't look at him, couldn't meet his eyes and see the light dim. I couldn't handle it, couldn't fathom it. 

The other tear dropped just as I focused on that smug bitch. 

The one who had been ruining shit for far too long. 

Brainwashing my Father, ruining Aria's family, killing the Queen, and even fucking with Vikkan's life. 

She had played a hand in every downfall there was. 

My entire vision tunneled on her face, my mind flashing through all the shit she had ever done to me, and to all the other people I loved and cared about. 

I pushed off the ground, tackling Clora, sending us both back into the ground hard. 

She dropped the sword, sending it thumping a few feet away from us. I tightly wrapped my hands around her neck, watching as panic crossed over her features. 

"You should have ran along time ago, Clora" I snarled, feeling power leak from every essence of my being. 

She glared before crashing her elbow into my temple, pushing me off of her. 

She rolled away, before clamoring to her feet, "I should have killed you the day he brought you home. It was always something, one more fucking child between me and the throne, one more fucking slut he couldn't seem to leave alone. He never saw what I was able to be to him, would do for him. Everything I did, was willing to do and he never tried for me, not like how I tried for him. Everyone thinks he wanted to marry me after he saw my sister. No, he saw her and never looked away after he met me! The damage I had to do to that fucking relationship."

I snorted, "oh yes, sucking magical dick for power sounds exhausting."

She opened her mouth a growl on her lips, before it ended in a soul crushing screech, her eyes no longer on me. 

I followed her sight behind me where I found Vikkan standing over top of a cowering Jameson. 

Vikkan's hair was a wild mess, his face contorted into the maw of a lion, his eyes reflective violet orbs, like a true wild animal. 

His clawed hand clenched around the dark steel of a large sword. 

I watched in a daze as Vikkan growled lowly over Jameson, "you've plagued my lands, murdered my people, and tried to steal what was never yours. I told you what would happen, did I not?" Vikkan snarled, his sword limp in his hands. 

Darkness swirled around his entire being. 

He looked like a furious dark god. 

Jameson, bloodied and beaten cringed before him, fear across his face, "they hate you. All of them hate you, yet you'd fight for them?" Jameson snarled. 

Vikkan laughed, a true chill spilled down my spine, "they can hate me for all eternity, but I rule them and these lands." 

Vikkan's sword barely twitched. 

A thin line of blood appeared on Jameson's neck, before his head completely slid off his neck, dead. 

Holy shit. 

Clora bellowed in agony, dropping to her knees as she wailed. 

I turned to her, the same smile on Vikkan's lips now on mine. 

"Fucked with the wrong one's, Auntie, what can I say?" I snorted. 

Clora's tear stained face glared up at me, before she lunged. 

I exploded, pure white light burning out of every pore, piercing through the sick essence of Clora's form. 

I felt her scream in pain, her writhe in agony as my power smothered her to death. 

Then she was nothing but dark dust. 

Shitty and gone. 

A warm darkness encased me, pulling me out of the endless ocean of power that lived inside. 

My eyes opened to find bright violet eyes baring down into my own. 

Vikkan's hand on my cheek, blood smeared across his face. 

"Fenga, are you with me?" his warm voice rushed over my face. 

I took a deep breath, my arms going around his neck as I pulled his warmth into me, trying to block out the fear. 

Block out the disintegrating bodies of the enemy army, their bodies dying with Jameson. 

I gulped slowly, shaking in his strong arms, "is he dying?" I whispered, terrified of his answer. 

Vikkan held me tighter, "look for yourself", he whispered quietly into my ear. 

I slowly turned my head out of Vikkan's chest and looked to where my Father and Mother was. 

To find them both standing, tall and proud, eyes locked. 

The breath was sucked out of my body, "Dad?" I called out, I had to be dreaming, he was standing like nothing had happened. 

He turned his warm green eyes onto me, that huge smile on his face, "I'm fine, Amara."

"She's so over dramatic, the sword barely cut you Dad." Andrea sassed as she stumbled up the hill, her arms around Khon who only shook his head down at his future wife. 

I rolled my eyes at my sister, "like you even saw it, last time I saw you, you were eating grass with demon soldiers up your ass" I cackled while she flipped me off. 

"Come on you two, can we get along after one of these battles?" Aria's sweet voice called out as she emerged with Irian at her side. 

"That's funny, pretty sure Amara feeds off of chaos." Irian huffed as he swung is sword lazily, that carefree smile on his face. 

Khon chuckled, "I think it might be a familial trait."

I pointed at Khon, "should I bring it back to everyones attention that you were probably a few feet of chaos into Andrea and thats how you got here, with her" I smiled while Andrea and Khon shot me a hard look. 

"Where have you been sleeping at then, Saint Amara?" Irian called out. 

I gave a tense smile, "right at this place called 'shut the fuck up', its right by 'before I kill you'." 

Irian threw his head back and cackled. 

"Now that we've destroyed shit in another dimension, what's next?" Andrea sighed. 

I tightened my arms around Vikkan, "I don't know about you guys, but I need a real fucking vacation."

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