Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A Meraki is your second half. 

The other part of you, that is more like a limb than another person. 

The completion of you. 

Someone you trust more than anyone in the world. 

The person you lean on. 

Who will understand you like no one else can. 

You would die for them, as they would for you. 

A part of you. 

I couldn't breathe. 

He had said it to me, looked me in the eye with that same desperate look that Irian was sporting, and I had known. Deep down I knew. 

He had called out to me, and I felt it. 

Like a rope being violently yanked inside of me. 

How could I have been so stupid? 

So stupid that it hurt, his face flashing like a burning fire over my eyes. 

Something was wrong and I had just left him. 

His men banging at his door, announcing and invasion and I left him. 

He might not even be -

My whole body shuddered in pain. 

Andrea's hand squeezed my own, pulling me out of myself and back into our spacious living room, where Irian was drooling after my sister as Kade explained everything to her in great detail. 

As she explained it to us all. 

To me. 

Irian nodded hard, his eyes never leaving the face of my sisters. 

He looked in love. 

Is that how I looked? When I had stared at him? Had he known that I had no clue who he was, but something inside me had already belonged to him before I even knew it. 

My stomach churned. 

"Some Meraki fall in love, some do not. Some remain friends of a kind, its very unique to the couple, but it is a relationship so deeply rooted within one another that it belongs to the two of you" Kade finished slowly, watching as my sister shyly peeked up at a slacked mouth Irian. 

She blushed and looked back down into her lap. 

He gave a dog grin, excitement on his face. 

"Can they reject this?" the question stumbling out of my lips before I could hold it in. 

Aria looked shaken, fear crossing her face, while Irian turned a sharp look to me. 

Kade pursed her lips, "its frowned upon and rare. The bond is very strong and if the two are separated it can make them weak, vulnerable. Just like how the two of them together can increase their power. It is a balanced relationship, sacred" Kade finished slowly, looking at me more intently. 

I looked away quickly. 

I can't focus on this right now, I can't deal with it. 

His face flashing through my mind on repeat was not going to help me get through this. 

I needed to stay focused, get my home back and then I could think about the mysterious man who had seeped into my mind. 

I pressed my hands into my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the frantic part of me to calm down. 

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