3 women v.s. 10 vampires

Start from the beginning

"You..you..you're" that was all she stuttered before going quiet

"I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm sorry" Ruki took her hand and gently kissed it

She seemed to calm down slightly though I don't blame her for being tense

He moves to take the tray and place it on her lap

"You need you strength, I made this for you"

"Thank you Ruki" she smiled shyly and took a sip of soup

"It's amazing, you are a great cook"

"Thank you, get some rest I'll be back to check on you later"

She nodded and he left leaving the 3 of us together

"Are you alright" yui asked

"Mhm, I'm fine...just a bit surprised"

"Trust me I've been there years ago but I survived" yui said with a slight giggle

"And you y/n, what happened to you"

I looked at her for a moment

"long story short-"

"No I want to hear your stories...both of you, and I can tell you mine"

We all exchanged glances

"Yui, care to go first since you were here first" I say

"Sure, where do I begin..." she trailed off in thought

"I had been living with my father in the church and suddenly he had to leave for work so I had to come live here, when I had arrived I was attacked almost immediately by ayato, after being introduced to everyone minus y/n and the mukami's I had a frightening realization that they were vampires after I tripped and fell, scrapping my knee, I ended up running until I found a room, and my father's diary that told me I was adopted,they caught me in the end and I ended up staying and finding out that a vampire named Cordelia had her heart transplanted into me and during the awakening she took over me and I wound up stabbing myself with subaru's silver knife to get rid of her and the guys had to save me, later I got kidnapped by the mukami's and held captive when ayato saved me. Then everything seemed peaceful then Y/n came to join us and from there my best friend and strongest ally in this house has helped me take on 10 vampires originally 6 though. Y/n you wanna take it from here?"

"Sure, My brother Edgar and I grew up in a small village. One day we went out into the orchard and made a friend, Shu Sakamaki. We spent many days together until one day he came to us quite upset that his parents found out why he kept disapearing,his father was searching for him and he said we couldn't be friends, we split from there. That night we couldn't sleep and we took a walk, coming back we found our home on fire. We ran to town trying to get help, Alegrius Lucks found us and took us in. His gang became family to us and we grew up there, one day while we were out with some others the gang was attacked and most of us were slaughtered at the hideout. A few of us escaped we lost some on the way.eventually Edgar and I were separated, I was taken to a church and treated horribly for years until I was relocated here and I met this blonde angel. Well into my time here I found out my brother was closer to me than I thought, later I got in a big fight with some of the guys and I wound up calling my brothers to come and get me and I spent a few months with them until a wolf attacked them and we all ended up here together. Everyone seems to be at peace with each other and now you have joined us, I hope you aren't frightened off yet."

"Not at all and my guess is that Yuma is Edgar and Shu is the kid from your childhood."

I nodded "weird how our fates aligned"

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