new lives for better and worse

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The sakamaki mansion was quiet at breakfast that morning nothing but an occasional hey can I get some of this or that

The boys felt something wrong but they wouldn't admit it even if it's been a week they still believed that y/n would walk through the door and into their arms

Later on.... That afternoon

Subaru sat quietly in his window sill staring out onto the garden of roses and other various flowers...

He remembered the morning y/n had come and seen him while he took care of the flowers and how he gently tucked the rose into her hair

It's only been a day but he would not give in he'd let her fall first and come running back to him

Kanato sat at the kitchen counter watching Yui bake for him... But the feeling was cold. He didn't want Yui, he wanted y/n

He thought of the previous day in which you smiled as you told him of your birthday and as you let him drink your blood... No fight, nothing

Yui had finished, he bit her but he wasn't satisfied and let her go

He ate the sweets and looked around hoping you would walk over and help him feel better apologizing for walking out on him but all he had was teddy and even then he still felt sad

Shu sat with his headphones in,on the couch thinking of what you said to him, thinking of you as a child. God he missed you and he knew you wouldn't come back. Your stronger than that and now you have your brother how could he compete. All the blonde could do was wait for his lousy brothers to crack and fall apart then he'd call and let her know she won and he'd see his fantasy come back to him

Reiji sat in his study staring at the equsions and wonder why this potion isn't working.. He teleported to the room that had belonged to y/n and gone in... Only then he remembered what he said how he viciously told you to get out... to leave them

He went back to his study only to remember 3 things
1) the day you first helped him and how he had bitten you in an attempt to lay siege to your heart as his own
2) the night you had stayed with him even though he'd almost hurt you
3) your study session where you really did show your intelligence and he really did think you were one hell of a human being

He wouldn't let his pride fall and show it but inside he was dying and hoping a brunette with e/c eyes would walk in and fix his stupid mistakes

Ayato took another shot at the balls on the pool table and again he missed, he sat down the stick and picked up the black 8 ball

Staring at it he remembered teaching you to play pool.. Watching your beautiful figure made him happy.. The way you leaned over the table and smiled he remembered you promised him another game he felt stupid for yelling those hateful words but he wouldn't show you he was falling apart without your smile
He looked to the entrance hoping to see you with a cue telling him

"Rack em up oreo... I'll beat you again"

But no you weren't there only a coat rack and a cabinet of pool cues

Laito stood staring in the mirror of the vanity in your room.he recalled the first day you had gone to school how he made a joke of your sexy outfit and you and joked with him as well

He laughed a little but that laugh sounded sad and pathetic he turned to the bed while reminding himself that he had become jealous of subaru and your outfit turned him on enough for him to play with you in an attempt to impress you.. But thinking now he probably only seemed like a possessive jerk

Encourageing his brother to make you leave was stupid and he regret it with every inch of his life... All he wanted was for you to walk through the door of your room and let him hold you, for you to tell him he was stupid but that you forgave him but his pride held him back for he still had some left and he hated that

He sat on your bed tipped his hat and slowly cried himself to the point he passed out his last thought resting on the upcoming birthday

Yui wondered around the house wishing she wouldn't have brought up the subject of her bff's brothers and accused them of wrecking the car... She knew it was her fault and she felt awful she wanted to cry but had to keep her face dry. Show no weakness Yui chan y/n had told her

Don't seem afraid or upset and they won't take advantage of that

She got back to her room and couldn't take it, she sank to the floor and cried and cried until her eyes ran dry

Each then also realised what the next day held,each felt pain hit them like bullet trains

But things at the mukami mansion seemed quite lively

The mukami siblings had been talking non stop as they had begun to prep for y/n and yuma's birthday party the next few days

Ruki was searching for a new recipe to try

Kou and y/n were debating what y/n and Yuma were to do while they prepped

Azusa and Yuma we're finding decorations online perfectly suited for their new family addition and to celebrate the day the twins came to this world

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