Chapter 3

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*Next day (Saturday)
Zoe got a phone call from sofia,Becks and Hannah.
Z: Hey whats up.
S:Wondering if you wanted to come to then cinema with us three and Jake tonight around 8
Z: Sorry can't got a date.
S: Oh right with who may i ask.
Z; Yes you may ask and with Brad.
S: Really oh right have fun then
The phone call ended.

*Knock knock on Zoe door.
"Come in" said Zoe. "Maggie" said Zoe.
"I see your getting ready for your date ive came to talk about something" said Maggie.
"Yep what is it" said Zoe.
"Well you know if you do the stuff in the bedroom after your date,you will use protection right" Maggie said seriously.
"Of course i know ive been pregnant before but i was young thats why i had an abortion, and the time after what was a false alarm, im not that stupid now ive grown up Maggie" said Zoe.
"Good thats my girl" said Maggie.
"And any way ive grown up i wouldnt do that stuff till i get to know him, you know like when im ready" said Zoe.
"Wow your growing up" Maggie laughed..

*5 Hours later
There was a kncok at the door it was Brad.
"Come in babes" said Zoe.
"So your calling me babes now then" Brad laughed.
"Lol come on then were you taking me" said Zoe.
"Well ive booked a table at Shazda" said Brad (Made up place)
"Omg thats my favourite place ever" said Zoe.
They got into a taxi and went to the resturant.

*At resturant
"Table for two for the name Brad Brown" He said.
"Right this way" said then waiter. "Any drinks"
"i'll have a pint of beer and Zoe what would you like" He said.
"I have rosea" Said Zoe.
"Coming right up" said Brad.
"Ha as if they belived we were over 18 when we are 17" Brad and Zoe laughed.
The drinks came and they orderd their food Brad had Chips and Chicken with bread crums on and Zoe had steak and chips..
"So then Brad what do you like to do" she said.
"I lke football all things sporty really what about you" said Brad.
"I like dance science and Pe" She said.
they carried on talking getting to know each other untill there food arrived.
They finished there dinner and carried on talking getting more drinks.
"Could we have the bill please" said Brad
The bill came up to £104.76.
"Wow oh well it was a good night" said Brad.
He paid and they got a taxi back to the school house being really loud when they got back wobbling around everywhere, untill they looked into each others eyes and kissing......
All of suddden Maggie came walking down with Brad and Zoe not realizing...
"Oy you two" said Maggie.
"What Maggie with a capital M"Zoe laughed, with Brad laughing back.
"Get to bed you need sleep and glass of water" Maggie said nearly shouting.
They both ran up stairs chasing each other playing tag..

Maggies thoughts
God they are so teenages and i live in a house full of them now all i have to do is make sure they go into there own room not each others before stuff happen..

They both ran into Zoe's room with Maggie following dragging Brad to his own room.

*Next day (Sunday)
Zoe woke up at 11 walking downstairs in some joggers.
"ahh Zoe what a night ay" said Maggie.
"What are you on about " said Zoe.
"When you got back you were so drunk and playing tag with Brad running up the stairs" Maggie said.
"Really no wonder i have a hang over i cant remeber anything" Zoe said.
"Here's a glass of water, and why i remember Sofia, Becks and Hannah came round about hour ago wanting to hang out" Maggie said.
"ok Maggie im going up to bed" said Zoe.

Zoe walked up stairs and got into bed and went to sleep
9 hours later (8pm) there was a knock at her door..
"What Maggie" said Zoe.
"Its Brad" brad walked in.
"Hey babes" said Zoe.
"Wanted to know whats going on with us are we on or off" said Brad.
"We are on Brad" said Zoe.
"Good and wow its cold in you room" said Brad.
"Come under my duvet" said Zoe.
Brad walked over to brad and laid down with Zoe under the duvet.

*Knock knock it was Maggie.
"Yeah come in" said Zoe.
"Zoe here i have some clean woww.., you better be dressed under there" Maggie said.
"Yeah we are and can you leave them on the side" Said Zoe.
"I am going to leave and make things less awkward" said Maggie..

"So.." said brad.
Zoe looked at Brad and becan to kiss Brad........

what all led to another.....

*Next day (monday)

Zoe and Brad woke up next to each other at 6:30am.
They got up and got dressed walking down stairs for breakfast holding hands.
"Someone seems happy"said Maggie.
"Well me and Brad are offical after having a little chat last night" Zoe laughed.
"Sofia called on you again last night, i said you were hanging out with brad" said Maggie.
They had there breackfast and Mrs Diamond came round to the school house, and when she walked in she was suprised to see Zoe and Brad kissing. (Mrs diamond comes and pick Zoe up for scool)
"I see things have change over the weekend" said Mrs D. "Hello earth to Zoe, do you guys ever have a breather" Mrs D laughed.
"Oh sorry miss can you give Brad a lift to with me please" said Zoe.
"yeah go on then get in the car" said Mrs D. "see you Maggie see you Grantly" Said Mrs D,Zoe and Brad.
"So have you been hanging out with sofiaover the weekend" siad Mrs Diamond.
"No been hanging out with me baby" Zoe said leaning in giving him a kiss.
"Get a room, acctually don't" Said Mrs D.

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