"Well? Speak am listening "
" he's just a friend "
I pulled the dress above my head then crawling under the covers of my bed.
"good night Linda ".

"goodnight yourself ".

"stop being mean Linda".
Then I slept off

Morning came faster than I wanted it.
I folded my self into my bed.

Find a way to my heart and I'll always be with you from wherever you are I'll be waiting I'll keep a place in my heart and you'll see it shining through so find a way to my heart and I will I will follow you.

Phil Collins find a way to my heart played on the background.
I didn't know Linda had a taste in such music , it still amazes me that she'll be playing such amazing song for she is a grumpy person.

I had classes this morning so I got up mustering all the strength I could.

I jumped into the shower, I wonder if this my grumpy and mean roommate had classes anytime.

As I dressed up in a white knee length skirt with a pink Tuttle neck black top, I asked her if she had any class, she had gotten up so early scribbling something on her notes.
"well little girl my schedule is non of your business ". She got up from her desk and got into the shower as the song changed into Leon Lewis better in times..

"what on earth did I do to you that you have to hate me". After I buckled my sandals I shouted in frustration picking up my bag I opened the door closing with a bang.

Dmitri point of view (POV)

Ever since I saw her at my garden at home I knew I had to have her as mine.
She was so delicate and beautiful.
Her curly black hair bounced as she walked, and am not sure she was aware of the commotion she caused.
The innocence around her made me long for her the more.
Her eyes were brown with gold rings surrounding it, making it glow and stand out, her eyes were unusually large with her lashes fanning and resting on her face cheeks as she blinked.

I had to stop myself from kissing those pink plump lips.
Her nose wasn't that pointed, and wasn't that narrow.
But it was perfect for her round chubby face.

When I asked Gary who she was, he explained to me that she was working for him and if I want him to keep delivering instead of her I declined.

I ordered stuffs I didn't even need just to be with her.
Her laughter warmed my heart and her smile melted my soul.

When she told me she had a boyfriend, I didn't know where the feeling of jealousy sprouted out from, but I know I was jealous of the lucky guy. Then she introduced the guy to me at school the other day.

"Dmitri, you need to go to the office now, your father needs to ask you stuff" , my mom said awaking me from my dream.

They never let me rest, I was in my final year at our family college, and I was also an assistant lecturer and heir to the Angelo dynasty.

My life was always programmed, my dad saying I was the only child he had, and I had to be the leader after he'll pass away.

My mom on the other hand was a fashion freak.
She never had my time always from one fashion house to the other, employing different nannies whom I didn't like, until one, her name was Mrs Smith. She had the voice of angel, calm and sooting, I liked being around her.

I picked up my dirty green over coat dripping it on my shoulders, I picked up my car key walking out of the door in a monotone way.
When she told me she had applied for a scholarship at my family school, I ceased this opportunity to bring her close to me, so I picked her name as one of the students we usually give scholarship annually.

"is something wrong with you darling? " my mom asked in her all so annoying high pitched voice, placing her always perfectly manicured nails on my shoulders, I shrugged it off walking away without uttering a word to her.

"keeping up this attitude won't get you anywhere Dmitri ", I turned to look at her.
She had her red lips pressed against each other.
"well I don't care".
I walked out of the door sighing.

At the office, my dad was already in a meeting with the board of directors.

"well son your late".

"sorry". I took a sit beside a manly built lady.
The meeting today was about Becca kidnap.

Becca is my ex girlfriend.
When I met her I thought my life was complete, until I found out she was sent be our sworn enemies, The Taylors
The Taylors was another family which were into the same business with us.
They had four sons whom were so dumb.

They planned on making me give up my right as heir by kidnapping Becca, thinking I loved her.
Well I told them straight up that they could keep her cause I don't care at all.
Our family was in lethal danger.
They could kidnap anyone anytime.
So we doubled our security.
I guessed that they might have seen me with Megan so I sent one of our guards, to look after her.

The meeting was a blur, and it ended without me giving listening ears.

I had a talk with my father before heading to the college for my classes.

MEGAN Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя