Chapter XVI: Hatred

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The group was gathered around the living room table of the oh-so-famous bunker, reading through books and doing internet research. Nothing was more important than bringing back Castiel's feelings, not a single monster nor a family in need of help. Dean knew that this sounded selfish, and, god forbid, it was. Still, he couldn't bring himself to care.

He knew what he wanted, and what he wanted was Cas -the old Cas. The Castiel that refused to go to a party, simply because he preferred staying home and watching Netflix all night long. He wanted the Castiel who got jealous over a waitress flirting with Dean, although it was completely pointless because Dean would've never done something with this woman.

The world was so dull without this Cas in it, Dean didn't know how he managed to survive so many years at all. This blue-eyed man changed his whole world, he turned it upside down, and although nothing was the same as it had been before he had met Cas, everything was so much better. Dean shook his head as a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. It didn't matter if the man had feelings or not. He was with Dean, and this would always be enough for the hunter.

"Dean?" He was ripped away from his thoughts at his brother's voice. "Yeah?" He looked at Sam, waiting for him to tell him what was going on. "I think I found something." Castiel jerked up, running towards the tall man and nearly tripping over the several beer bottles piling up on the concrete floor. Dean was drinking way too much, yet no one had the time to tell him, as everyone was too busy finding out how to fill Cas' soul with the satisfying taste of feelings.

The angel leaned over Sam, glancing onto the pergament page he was holding in his hand, not caring about how close the two were. "So get this." He stopped, shuffling away from the angel to make some space. "This is a handwritten letter from a man called 'Briggins' to what I assume to be his secret girlfriend." "Yeah, Sammy. Thanks for the input, but please come to the point."

Sam rolled his eyes, continuing with a sigh. "As I was saying, he wrote the letter to his girlfriend, but I think she wasn't a real girl." He earned a few confused glances, which made him roll his eyes once more. "I think she was a celestial being!" "Oh." Gabe looked down at his hands as if he was hiding something from his friends.

"She's called Anna or something like that. Whatever, so he wrote that he wanted her to hate him because he assumedly broke her heart. So you guys, any guesses on how he made her hate him?" The men shook their heads, staring at Sam intently, knowing damn well that he was the only one in the room who really understood anything. Plus, why did he have to make such a secret out of everything?

"Simple psychology, guys. Simple psychology!" "Just spit it out god damnit!" Dean slammed his fist onto the table, making the glasses clink and the angels look at him in shock. Without caring, he sat down again, waiting for his brother to finally tell him what they could do so that there was at least one emotion Cas could feel. He was getting really impatient, and Sam was no help at all.

"Look, Dean, we all want the old Castiel back. But it's of no use if you're acting like an ass. Just calm down, you're not helping." Dean rolled his eyes, knowing that he had no choice but to surrender. The vein on his forehead was pulsating as the hot feeling of anger slowly ran through his body, making him shake slightly.

"Back then, Briggins trapped Anna in an angel-cirlce thingy. He managed to get through to her biggest enemy and brought him to her. The man..." "What? What did the man do?" The fear was clear in Dean's voice as he bit down onto his lip nervously. Although his body was completely calm again, his beautiful green eyes told a different story. His pupils had gotten smaller as he stared into the distance, not seeming as present as he really was.

Sam glanced at Cas, a pityful look on his face. "The man tortured him until the hatred back to her..." "No!" Dean sprung up from his seat once again, his arm wrapped around Cas protectively. "I don't want him to get hurt. He's been through enough!" He squeezed the angel's arm, not ready to let go of the rainbowy glitter world he had imagined them to be in as soon as he woke up.

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