Chapter V: Why me?

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Cas reached out for the hidden light switch, he could no longer bare the darkness. But when his hand arrived at the spot where it should be, it didn't touch the switch. Instead, he felt a cold, firm hand.

A piercing scream echoed through the room and probably half of the school. Castiel didn't expect anyone to be there and he was easily scared, despite his love for horror movies. "Who's here?" Cas' shrieking voice made the other person laugh. "It's me, Cas! These students locked me in here, telling me you were here too. I knew it was a trap but I thought it was kinda funny, also because they hid lots and lots of booze in here."

Dean's soft smile wasn't seeable, but Castiel could hear it in his voice. He didn't know if it was because of the mentionend alcohol or the awkward-funny situation they were in. The evolving light told Castiel that the other man had finally switched it on, allowing Dean to look into these sapphire eyes which resembled the dark blue waves in the midst of the ocean, the reflected emotions undefinable.

"Why did they lock us two in here?" "I don't know, Cas. Maybe they want to cage every teacher. But it's okay, they have to have fun on their special day. I know that I had fun when I was their age. Man did we cause trouble."

Castiel only nodded. This was the most awkward situation he'd ever been in, and there'd been a lot. He didn't even know wheter he should ignore the fact that Dean and him nearly kissed only half an hour earlier or not, and adding to his discomfort they were locked into a narrow cabinet, pressed against each other like tinned food.

Or, nearly pressed together. There was still a little amount of space left between them, but Dean closed it as soon as he noticed it.

Cas' heart hammered against his rib cage when he saw what Dean was doing. Was this the moment? Their second chance for a kiss? Why would Dean even kiss him, he looked so angry when he saw Castiel cuddled against himself. Or was he angry that Cas said he wasn't interested in Dean? No matter how many times Castiel had asked and answered the questions himself, they always seemed to find their way back to his brain, coming forth at the worst of times.

Their upper bodies collided, making Cas feel every single one of Dean's breast muscles rise and fall with each breath. Their faces were still a few inches in distance, allowing both of them to look into each others eyes.

"Dean..." Cas' voice was rough and deep, as if he hadn't been talking in ages. He was suddenly feeling so vulnerable, so small. His heart skipped a beat as the other man's response came, his voice just as hoarse and violable as Cas'. "Yeah?"

Castiel didn't know what he wanted to ask Dean. Every single thought inside his head went blurry and he didn't know what to think anymore. Cas felt like his brain was thumping against his skull, deleting everything from his mind except for the gorgeous man in front of him. His head seemed to be exploding and there were little black dots disturbing the blue-eyed angel's view, signaling that Cas had to remind himself to breathe before he passed out.

Castiel could feel Dean's hot breath against his cheek as he leaned in slightly, either to hear him better or just to build up the already unbearable tension. Castiel's words stumbled over each other as soon as he finally came to a conclusion on what to ask.

"Wh- why are doing t-this?" Dean hesitated. He glanced down at his hands as if the answer was written down there. But this was no school exam one could cheat on and write all the right answers on a sheet of paper. It was something that simply didn't have a right answer. Just an honest one, and Castiel didn't understand what was so hard about telling it.

"I'm following my heart." "What do you mean? Dean you're not making any sense." Now, Dean stood up normally, still pressed against Castiel's firm body but looking into his eyes again, leaving a small space between their faces.

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