chapter 21

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A month later Jake is acting like a horney teen wanting to mate again and again and again to the point I am starting to think he either was to make he be in pure Bliss from all the sex or I am not satisfying him any longer. I do make him now wear a condom that is make especially for alpha werewolves every single time because now we have three kids. Anyways today iwalk into his office without knocking and I see he is trying to do his work while also taking care of the kids, but the twins are not helping with that and Andrew is trying to help, but it also is not affective.

"Are you sure you are okay taking care of them for the whole day?"

"What are you trying to say love?" Jake asks.

"That if you need me to stay I can."

"I got everything handled and you deserve a day at the spa." Jake says.

"I guess."

"No say bye bye to mommy." Jake says.

Instantly the twins cry and Andrew ttys to calm them down by hugging them.

I picked up our baby girl and she stops for a while until I kiss her head and put her back on her play mat and do the same to her twin brother and Andrew. It does hurt to leave them for a day, but Jake says I deserve this and he had already pain even for Kim. So I kissed Jake good bye and in return I got him aroused a bit and he tapped my behind.

"Just know when you get back you will be relaxed in a different way." Jake says.

I shake my head and both of us know why since he said that right in front of our kids. And I left with Kim dragging me out the door to the car and off we are to the spa.

At the spa it look so much more than just a day spa. It looked like a life spa of relaxation.

Niki drags me to the facial area first then to the hot rocks like I have no say. She continues this until we get to the hot springs pool and damn it is hot, but my mind drifts off to Jake. I wish he was with me in here. I know he has a fetish with hot water sex and with my fantasy of pool sex this would be perfect. I think back to when we first had sex in the shower and how it felt different than in bed. It makes me wonder how it will feel on a water bed. Niki snaps her fingers in front of me after splashing me.

"Ang are you okay?" Niki asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"You were not answering." Niki says.

"I was just thinking about Jake."

"You miss him don't you?" Niki asks.

"Yes I miss him and I was remembering how it use to be."

"Sis you got to stop or this day would be a waist. Jake sent us here for you to relax and have fun not to be day dreaming about him."

I just nod and when we got out it was not cold at all, but was getting hotter. Niki looks at me and when she grabs my hand she immediately removes it like I burnt her. She has me sit down like I am injured or something then is on the phone.

Niki's POV

When I touched her she was burning up and it hurt my hand. I immediately called my mom since I do not know what is happening and I do not want to bother Jake.

"Hi mom!"

"Hi sweetie what is wrong?" She asks.

"Can a human go into heat after so long after they mate with a werewolf?"

"No sweety, why do you ask?" My mom asks

"Ang is burning up and when I touched her it hurt me. Could it be the hot springs pool?"

"No it can not be the pool it if hurt you. Maybe you should bring her home." My mom says.

"Okay I will."

I hang up and we exit the pool area to find both male and female beasts sniffing the air and then glare at us. I turned around and then heard.

"Mmm. Human." For so many people.

I grab her hand trying to ignore the pain and pull her back into the pool area. If anything happens to her on my watch Jake would be more than fierce with me and I would not care since it was my fault. I ran with her into the locker room and locked the door just for them to try breaking it down. So I immediately called my mom again.

"Sweety what is wrong?" She asks.

"We are under attack. They want Ang."

"Sweety calm down. Who are they?" My mom asks.

"Other supernatural beings, both female and male."

I am freaking out and it is causing Ang to freak out.

"I do not understand." My mom says.

I heard an bang both on the phone and outside the door.

"Mom here take the kids Ang is in trouble." I heard Jake say.

The the phone went silent and I cursed at myself for not bringing a battery charger.

"Jake is on the way."

She nods and there is another bang before the door busts open and we run with them on our tails.

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