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Persina looked up at the cruel eyes of the Wasp Queen. She was shackled and forced to kneel before the ruler that she despised. Persina was the Wasp Princess and the next in line for throne, however it seems that was no longer going to be a possibility for the soon-to-be-decrowned princess and the title would pass on to one of her many sisters. Turns out trying to usurp the current Queen from her throne does that to you. "Persina, for your crime you are to be exiled from the Wasp Kingdom. If my soldiers see you anywhere in my territory they are to kill you." The Queen hissed and with that the two warriors that held her down dragged her out of the hive and casted her out. Persina gave a huff as she got up from the dusty ground and began to fly out of her mother's territory.

"I'll show her. I'll make my own hive and destroy hers!" She huffed as she flew through dark clouds. "I'll need to find my own territory first, or I can disguise myself as a bee and sneak into their hive and take over. Scratch that. The only part of me that resembles a bee is my coloring and bee get scary when it comes to their queen." Persina let out a agitated groan. "If only I waited for that old hag to die." As Persina was lost in her thoughts she failed to notice a slender figure following her. And she didn't notice it creep closer and closer and closer, until finally..."ACK!" Persina yelped as the slender figure tackled her causing both to hurtle towards the ground. Persina thrashed violently, using her second pair of arms to try and push her attacker off. However they were stuck to her like glue and both hit the ground hard. Persina's vision blurred and she blacked out.


Persina's pitch black eyes slowly began to focus again only to see a mosquito hovering over her with a disappointed look. She was quick to curl her thorax up and point her stinger at him. This caused the pest to panic making him finally say something. "Sorry for pouncing on you like that! I just thought you were another mosquito!" He quickly apologized as he backed away.

"Well I'm not and you almost killed me!" Persina snapped at the larger male who was hunched over.

"I'm sorry!" He continued, "It's just I'm not on good terms with the current Queen right now and you looked skinny enough to pass for a mosquito, ya' know." Slowly he began to back up. Not that Persina could blame him. Wasps are known for their viscous tempers. Slowly a smirk appeared on Persina's face.

'Yes, this is what I need. Another rouge like me. Although he seems like a coward, he could be useful.' Persina thought as she approached the tall male. Her mandibles made friendly clicks. "So you've also been cast out like me? Then how about we make a deal?" Persina said as her antennae rubbed together. The mosquito gave her a interested gaze.

"What kind of deal?" He asked looking down at her since he was a whole foot taller.

"I was banished from my hive because I attempted to usurp my mother, the Queen. My plan is to create my own hive, and once I'm strong enough to take her on, I plan on killing her and taking over the hive. Join me and I'll make you part of my high council." Persina urged with both sets of arms crossing the hard chitin of her chest.

"But we're not even the same breed! Not to mention that there are just two of us against a whole army of wasps!" The male argued taking a step away from her.

"I know the layout of the hive like the back of my hand," She stated as she raised up her right hand, "I was to be the next Wasp Queen after all, and I plan on recruiting more banished Scardesian's to my cause. And we don't need to be the same breed to work together."

"But members of the high council-"

"Breed with the Queen and are the fathers' of princesses. We can still produce offspring together. We are a different breed, not species, Love. So are you in?" Persina said coolly as she put out one of her hands. The mosquito looked down at her black, exoskeleton-covered, hand. Slowly he took it, sealing the deal.

"And if we fail?" He asked quietly.

"Better than having nowhere to go or call home." Persina replied. "Tell me, what is your name?"

"It is Gallow, my Queen."

Okay so I came up with this on 0 hours of sleep so don't judge to harshly. Also in this book there are all types of hives all of which residents are designed to look like a certain bug, some of which in real life don't actually live in hives or have queens. Also all of bug-humanoids which I'm calling Scardesian's are the same species and can have offspring together. Even if they can't actually in real life. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

-The Wendigo

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