Chapter 3: Inside Out

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NOTE: This is extremly short, bu i wanted to at lease post a little today. :) Hope you like:)

"So you're Gram's granddaughter. I've heard so much about you." Daisy smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Her voice was cheery and welcoming, almost pulling me closer.

                "Yeah, she actually wanted me to come over here and say hi." I said, almost regretting it until she smiled and said,

                "Well, hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm Daisy Veltom." She giggles, "There, now we can get past the awkward stuff." I laughed with her in relief. She seemed like a very outgoing person, not scared of people or what they might think. I almost wished I could be like that.

                She ended up telling me about school and how she is the student advisor. Gram had asked her to make sure I had a good schedule, thank goodness for Gram. Daisy also told me that I will always be in a class with either her or her twin brother, Henry. When I heard her say this, I wondered what he looked like, even though Gram had given me a few clues, i still wondered if he was just as handsom as his sister was beautiful. If it was even possible.

                "Henry is a little shy and can seem like he puts up a wall, but once you get to know him, he's super cool. Or at least I think so." She laughed as if she had just said a joke, I laughed along, trying not to look like a dummy. I thought of something to say quickly.

                "When does school start? I don't want to be late for my first day."

                "Oh, the bell rings for homeroom at 7:30, but I always get there early." I was going to show up real early, I want to make sure I know where I'm going.

                Then I thought I heard a voice call Daisy's name. and she turned to look back at her house then back at me.

                "I think that's my dad calling me. I better go." She started to walk back.

                "It was nice talking to you, and don't worry about school, I'll be keeping an eye out for you." She waved goodbye, as I did. I walked back to Gram's wondering what tomorrow would be like or the rest of my life for that matter, now that it was turned upside down and inside out.

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