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Day 64
I Wake up to an excited May on top of me "May?" "It's your birthday!" She says excitedly "Who cares May?" I mumble turning away from her trying to go back to sleep but May persisted, "honey c'mon, I care, get up we can hang out with Melanie and the cafeteria people will give you cake!" I groan and turn towards her, "May I'm tired..." I say to her. She sighs, "finnneeee, I'll go get your Present." she says disappearing. I groan and go back to sleep. I soon wake up again but this time by a nurse I get up rubbing my eyes and following her to the cafeteria where there was a small cake, Melanie and Dr. Patterson were waiting. I sit down smiling at them as they started singing happy birthday. When they were done I blow out the 17 candles and they clap. I smile as Dr. Patterson cuts the cake. May sits next to me in one of the chairs. The doctor gives me a piece of cake and I thank her and she gives herself and Melanie a piece and then goes to the freezer to get Ice cream and places some on our plates, "thank you for this doctor." I say to her, "of course patient 643." She says giving me a warm grin. When we're done, May, Melanie and I go to the abandoned pool and climb down into it and sit down. May hands me a bag and I open it. "Whats that?" Melanie asks "Weed." I say a small smile appearing on my face as I understand what May gave me, "oh my god yes, lets light up." Melanie says smiling May giggles as she slipped me a lighter. I grab it and hand the joint to Melanie "thanks" She stays taking a drag "Where'd you get this anyway? I haven't had my hands on one of these since I got in here." I smile, "My best friend gave it to me."I Say to Melanie as she takes a drag. "Damn I Haven't had one of these in So long May." Melanie says smiling and handing me the joint. I take a drag and smile as I feel myself calm down immediately. "I've never been high..." I admit "Why didn't you tell me?" May says to me concerned, "I'll be okay." I say to her, "who are you talking to?" Melanie asks, "you can't see her." I tell her with a sigh. Melanie shrugs and takes another drag, "so, what are you in for?" She asks me. "I told you mine its only fair." Mel says. I nod, "I See Ghosts..." I tell her. "Then why are you here?" She asks confused, "no one believes me." I say with a shrug. Melanie nods and sighs, "we're similar in that way." Melanie says sighing. I nod sadly and give Melanie a small smile.
I walk with May back to my room but I'm terrified, "May they're everywhere." I say scared out of my mind "I know babe but don't worry they can't hurt you, they're just trying to scare you." "May they're getting closer!" "No they're not, the dope is effecting you, it can make you paranoid." "You can't see what I see May!" "Yes I can, you're okay baby, I'm here for you okay?" She says to me. I look at May and break down hugging her. "No stop, the doctors are gonna hear you, please lets get back to your room." I feel arms grab me and I'm pulled away from May. "shit," May curses as she follows me to a padded room. The doctors throw me into there and I begin to cry harder, "May help!" I yell for her. She grabs me and pulls me against her hugging me and shushes me. "There's so many in here May." I say to her crying into her sweatshirt, "It's gonna be okay they can't hurt you I'm here..." May says to me reassuring me a bit. I look up at her, her green eyes full of fear, "May..." I whimper looking up into her eyes. I notice her eyes wander down a bit then stop at my lips then go back to my eyes, "I love you." She says to me cupping my cheek. I continue to look into her eyes and she smiles slightly as she pulls me into a kiss. I whimper into it but May wraps her arms around me tightly to calm me down. Her lips were cold but soft and I loved the way they felt. She pulls away a bit and looks up at me, "are you okay?" She asks me. I nod and kiss her cheek. I hear the door open and the doctors pull me away from May once again and bring me to the EST room. They put me on the bed and strap me down and I begin to cry but I felt May grab my hand giving me a bit of happiness. They shock me a lot this time. More than any other time. They did it until I passed out. Next thing I know I wake up against May in the padded room. "Fuck are you okay honey?" May asks me worriedly, "what happened yesterday? Like last night?" "The fucking doctors hurt you, they shocked you until you were out cold, then brought you back here." She says. I didn't even remember anything since the doctors took me away from May in the hallway. I shake my head and go back to sleep against May.

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