Chapter 4-Decision

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"Good morning." I hear Kaden whisper when I stir in his arms.

"Morning." I whisper back as I shift so that I'm facing him.

He kisses my forehead and then says, "Can we skip breakfast?"

"No." I swat his shoulder and mock glare, "Its brunch with extended royal family members, remember?"

Kaden rolls over and groans into his pillow, making me laugh.

I throw back the covers and pull on my robe as I get out of bed. "I'm going to get dressed. You better be downstairs by then."

"As you wish." He sighs, looking up at me with his dreamy eyes. Unable to resist them, I bend down and give him a kiss before going back to my room.

Amarna is already there with my dress that we finalized for today's brunch event and she's setting out the needed hair accessories and make up.

"Good morning, Your Highness." She curtsies.

"Good morning, Amarna." I greet back.

We go through my morning routine and in an hour and a half I am showered, dressed and ready to head down for breakfast. I find Kaden talking to a guard near the staircase on the second floor and stop to wait for him.

"I don't like you for shattering my dreams of spending the day in bed." He complains as he falls in step with me and offers me his arm.

"I was just saving your mother's time that would've been wasted dragging you downstairs." I shrug, making him laugh.

"How nice of you." He says and kisses my cheek before taking my hand as we reach the doors that will take us to the gardens.

Lady America took it upon herself to organize this brunch. Her ladies in waiting of course helped but the arrangement and the idea of outdoor brunch is very much her style. And I love it. We're first apprehended by Kaden's Aunt May who demands to know where we went for our honeymoon and when we tell her she visibly swoons.

"Hope you two had a good time." She winks at me and I feel my cheeks go warm as she walks off to talk to Lady America.

"Food?" I raise an eyebrow at Kaden who silently nods in agreement.

We stand at one of the food tables and talk to Kaden's Great Aunt Adele. She tells us a story about Kaden's grandmother when she was a little girl and we're left smiling at the end. Kaden once confided in me that he wished he'd gotten to meet his paternal grandparents. But unfortunately they were killed in an attack by rebels on the royal palace, long before either of us was born.

Next we're apprehended by Kerttu who has her nanny right behind her. While Kaden kneels down and talks to her, Neena approaches me. I spot Kaden's dad sneakily take a picture of Kerttu and Kaden with his camera and I smile in anticipation of seeing the picture.

"Kerttu has promised to have her food if you let her play with the doll house Ahren brought her from France." Kaden announces to the nanny.

"Yes, of course! Anything to get her to have breakfast, your Highness." The nanny nods eagerly and then leads Kerttu away.

"Dad." Kaden greets him as he walks up to us.

"Good morning, sir." I nod at him.

"Good morning, Josie." He replies with a smile.

"Have you made up your mind, son?" Maxon asks.

Kaden looks at me, our conversation from last night on his mind and I nod in encouragement. I know he's scared of taking on such great responsibility but he'll be wonderful at the job.

"Can I give you an answer by tonight?" Kaden asks.

"Of course. Think it through." Maxon pats Kaden on the shoulder before walking away towards Lady America.

"I'm going to head inside." Kaden says, kissing my cheek and then I watch him walk in through the double doors.

The brunch continues on for another hour or so before the guests begin to leave and I excuse myself from the gardens to find Kaden. He's not in his room but his butler informs me that he mentioned going to a library.

I know that he'll be in the library on the fourth floor since no one uses it except Kaden. It has been his safe haven since he was a little boy. As expected, I find him on one of the sofas, his feet kicked up but he isn't reading like he usually is. He's just staring out the window.

His eyes move away from the window to look at me and he gives me a small smile as I close the library door after me.

"Is there any way I can help you make this decision?" I ask, sitting down in an armchair across from him.

"You already helped me do that last night but when dad asked me I realized something." He says.

"Realized what?" I ask.

He sits up and shakes his head, "I can't ask you to choose between your family and me."

"What?" I whisper.

"We have to be realistic here, Josie." He sighs.

I push myself out of the chair and stand in front of him with my hands on his shoulders. I look down at him as I say, "Kaden, you are my family. And of course we'll be homesick a little. Even you. But we'll have each other and a new place to explore, new duties to perform. I'm not scared to move with you for this opportunity."

This brings a smile to Kaden's lips, "Are you absolutely sure?"

"There is no doubt in my mind." I lean down and kiss him as he places his hands on my waist and pulls me onto the sofa.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." Eadlyn says when Kaden announces his decision to the rest of the household after dinner.

"Me too." Lady America sighs, smiling at us.

"Are you two implying that the rest of us our insensitive idiots?" Osten suddenly adds.

This has everyone laughing and I look at Kaden who winks at me, making my heart melt.

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