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I am no one. I am no one at all.

That would be a lie. I am (Y/n) Agreste. A daughter, although I can't tell you if I'm a loved one, and a sister, although I feel more alone than ever.

Adrien and I used to be close, but ever since he was allowed permission to attend public school, we've drifted. Siblings are never supposed to drift. They should laugh and fight and hate each other and love each other at the same time. But we're not like that at all.

When I was younger, Natalie always told me that it was because Adrien was older and more ready for this, but now, I realise those were only lies told to shut me up.

I am sixteen now, and Adrien's been going to school for years even though he's not much older than me at all.

It's my time now. I am putting all of the fight left in me into this. I better be going to public school, and if I don't, I'll have to make a much bigger deal out of things.

In this moment though, it all depends on his next words.

I stand up straight in his study, formally and serious. I can't tell what he's thinking by his expression, which I can with Adrien. He simply remains cold, with those clouded, judgemental eyes, and that permanent frown.

"You're telling me again that you want to go to public school?" he asks sternly, eyes not meeting mine, clearly not taking my request seriously. He leans back in his chair and rubs his forehead as if the action will relieve him of the stress. "I thought we sorted this out years ago."

Natalie stands beside his chair like an obedient puppy waiting for a command and sends a quick glance to him. "I've been trying to tell her, but she's been refusing to take lessons with her tutors." She's always quick to defend him, especially when I try to put up a fight. It's alway got on on my nerves, but now, I don't think I can take it anymore.

"Maybe you should stop interrupting family business," I hiss at her sharply. It's not just a sharp comment. I know what she thinks of Father. In fact, she makes it so obvious to everyone how much she thinks of him, but I think she should know that she can't just take Mother's place so easily. I can tell she knows exactly what message I'm trying to get across by the way her eyes go wide.

Father rises from his chair in a hurry. The screech it makes as it slides across the floor makes me wince. "Natalie is a part of our family business, whether you like it or not." Anger radiates from him and I hate how he still intimidates me. But I'm not that naive, little girl anymore.

"Well, I don't like it," I challenge, making sure to send an accusatory glare to Natalie.

"Stop acting so immature and act like your brother for a change-"

"It's always about Adrien, isn't it? Adrien gets to go to public school. Adrien gets to have a normal life. Why won't you let me go?" My own anger whirls up inside me all at once and now I know where I get it from. "Admit it, you always liked him more. You always thought he was the more capable one, the one with the brightest future. You never placed any trust in me. None at all!"

He remains in silence after a while after my outburst so I decide to speak again. "You have a choice here," I pause, resuming a calm, emotionless expression like the one he always uses. "You can either send me to public school, or I'm going to leave."

The silence continues as I walk out of the room. I pick up the pace. He doesn't deserve to see me cry.


I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I feel empty and full at the same time. A familiar sick feeling hangs in my stomach. It doesn't ache or hurt. It's just there. I commonly know it as anxiety.

Did I take it too far? Will he just think I'm even more immature than he did before? Or will he finally succumb to my request?

It's a simple one. Not outrageous or impossible or anything like that. It's normal to want to get to know people my age right? Or am I just being selfish? I probably am. I managed to drive my own brother away so I must be a bad person.

Thoughts like these make me go insane. It doesn't help that I'm alone all the time with no one I can trust in talking to. I think my mind into knots until nothing makes sense anymore, even if it originally seemed to.

Right now is like that.

A knock on the door sounds and I instantly sit up. I dry my eyes with a tissue on my bedside table one more time before asking, "Who is it?"

Instead of answering, the person just opens the door and comes in. She stands in the doorway, as if the rest of my room is toxic. I almost roll my eyes but end up just glaring at her instead.

"Your father says he will allow you to try public school," she starts. She regards my shocked expression and continues. "However, if he finds that you are not keeping up with your work or extracurriculars, you will discontinue immediately. Is that understood?"

"Yes," I reply, pretending to not be interested.

"You will start this Monday, then." She awkwardly glances around my room. It isn't as big as Adrien's, of course, but it's still quite big, with large windows and a high ceiling. I have an ensuite off to one side, and a walk-in closet filled with Father's designs. However, I don't have anything like Adrien's climbing wall in my room. My walls are almost bare apart form a few framed anime posters, like (f/a) (favourite anime). I've got a computer and a phone at my desk as well, but not much else.

"OK," I say. As she turns to walk away, something slips out of my mouth before I can even stop to think about it. "Thank you, Natalie." She stops in the doorway for a second, going still in surprise at my warm comment, before sending me a quick nod and exiting the room.

She probably thinks that was rather out of character for me. I smile to myself and lay back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling again but with my head a bit more clear.

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