It was an enraging silence that flew around us and I could feel my temper rising. With a loud huff, I finally made my decision. It took me longer than it should have, and I am perfectly well aware of that fact, but this was a hard decision to make... in my opinion, at least. I wasn't going to go with this man until I received an answer and a good one at that! Not just some sloppy, good for nothing, cheap-ass answer that you give children to shut them up so that they'll do what you want.

A shaky breath slipped past my lips as I thought of how to formulate my thoughts into actual physical words. I was gonna tell him. Whether he liked it or not, I was going to say it straight to his face. I was going to tell him: I am not going with you until I get an answer! And if you don't have one then feel free to leave.

I could feel my adrenaline rise as my courage began to dissipate. I needed to say it before I lose all my courage and capability. 'Come on! It's not that hard! You already have a big mouth, so just say it!'

Alright, I'm gonna stop over-thinking and I'll just come out and say it. It's now or never. The muscles on my face stiffened up as I forced my mouth open, allowing my thoughts to formulate into words and fly out into the air as an articulated sentence.

"I'll go with you." Wait, what?! I didn't say that... I... I couldn't have! 'Take it back! Take it back!' I was screaming, at the top of my lungs, as loud as I possibly could, but nothing came out... absolutely, nothing... not even a slight squeak or rugged breath... nada...

The next thing I knew, my father stood up with a smile on his face. "Glad we finally came to an agreement." 'We didn't! I didn't agree to go! I'm not going, not without an answer!' But even with my mental struggles, pleads and screams, my body didn't listen. It just stood up and followed after my father. An annoying and idiotic smile was plastered on my face as I made my way towards the door only to, thankfully, be stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

"¿Qué estás haciendo? (What are you doing?)" I stood unmoving for a few seconds without giving even the slightest explanation for my idiotic actions or showing that I understood his question. "Sé que usted me puede entender. ¡Ahora responde! (I know that you can understand me. Now answer!)" I wanted to... I really did, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't manipulate my mouth and make it listen to me...

All my muscles remained relaxed as my body tried to slowly escape from his grip, but there was no use. I couldn't shake his hand off causing a sigh to pass my lips as I turned to face the younger boy.

"Could you let me go, please?" My voice came out as sharp as a knife as if I was barking out an order, surprising the Argentinian boy and causing his grip to falter just long enough for me to rip my arm away and turn back towards the door.

Without sparing a single glance at my friends, my father and I left the apartment. 'What are you doing, ragazza stupida!? Turn back!' And yet, again, my body defies my orders as it moves alongside my father, entering the elevator and allowing an uneasy silence to manifest itself as we slowly descended to the ground floor.

Once the elevator stopped I resumed my fight for dominance over my own body, trying to make it turn back and go home, but to no avail. It was as if I was blocked from my body's control system by some outside force that was keen on restraining my mind from commanding my body to do as I pleased, like go back to the apartment, for example.

We walked outside only to be greeted by the unking wind that swirled around us with the intent of freezing us, though, my father didn't seem bothered. Unlike me, who was shivering like crazy without the slightest trace of any emotional expression on my face other the pure shade of nothingness.

"¡Pedazo de mierda andante! (A/N: I'll let you imagine XD)"

"Mariana? What are-"

"Gimme a minute, chica. I need to talk to this bastard." She grabbed my father's arm, pulled him away and went to talk to him far enough from me so that I couldn't hear, that is until she screamed. "What do you mean you were going to take her to see-" stopping almost immediately, Mariana shot me a small glance before speaking in a normal voice. She was hiding something.

Her sudden and unplanned appearance caused me to became oblivious of the fact that I was back in control. My mind was finally able to take back control over my actions and my words, as some kind of pressure vanished from my mind. Though even with that problem having been fixed, a new one was just being created before my very eyes without my knowledge.


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"Great. Now I'm surrounded by a bunch of angry women."

"You comprehended that this wasn't the right time! Yet, you did it anyway!"

"The kid needed to know! And it's not like you were going to tell her any time soon."

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now