You're Okay

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6:45 pm
Patrick finished the last scene of season 4 with James and changed out of his scrubs. He went to the trailer in hopes of seeing Ellen, but he remembered she was gone. They had a cast party he said he would attend in a month. That's not too long without seeing Ellen, he thought, if she was going. He packed his things and grabbed a jacket that she had left behind. A piece of paper was sticking out of the pocket, so he opened it and saw a picture of him and Ellen together, filming season one. Ellen was blurry because she was laughing so much. Her laugh could make his day instantly, or even just a slight smile.
He sent Ellen a text that she forgot her jacket, then hopped in his car to drive to the airport. He was going back to Maine to visit his hometown and see his friends. He made a quick pit stop at his house and picked up his girlfriend, Jillian, and they drove to the airport. 
As they were waiting at the gate check, Patrick got a call from Ellen so he answered.
"Hey!" Ellen shouted.
Patrick winced and quickly turned the volume down on his phone.
"Hey, you forgot your jacket in the trailer." He answered.
"Yeah... do you maybe...want to meet up?" Ellen said " I mean so I can have the jacket back?" she quickly added.
"I'm headed to Maine right now. I'm at the airport." Patrick answered.
"Oh, so I guess not."
"Yeah. I could send it to you though, after we land."
Ellen was saddened when she heard 'we'. It meant Jillian was going with him.

They both hesitated to speak.

"I guess it's for the best then," Ellen added, "that we can't meet up..."
"Yeah, maybe."

They were silent again.

"Are you going to the cast party in a few weeks?" Ellen asked.
"Yeah" Patrick answered again.
"Ok then, just give it to me when we see each other."
Ellen hung up the call and stared at her phone. Why were things so genuine one minute, then the next they couldn't even speak to each other.
As if there was no water under the thing or whatever.
"So, are you gonna tell me then?"
"Tell you what." Ellen said bluntly.
Patrick knew she didn't want to talk about it, but he also knew that Ellen wasn't very hard to crack.

"No, Patrick, this isn't any of your business."

Patrick knew it was about Chris now, even though she didn't say so, because one of the only things Ellen wouldn't talk to him about was Chris.

"What did he do this time?"
"What the hell is 'this time' supposed to mean?" Ellen replied fiercely
"I'm just saying that this doesn't surprise me, you crying."

Ellen looked down as another tear rolled down her cheek.

"Patrick, you know I can't talk to you about this. You don't understand... I love him."
"Love has its limits." Patrick replied

Patrick let go of her hand and instead put it around her shoulder, where he could run his hand through her perfectly curled hair. There was something about the way it felt when he tucked Ellen's hair behind her ear that gave her the chills.
They sat there in silence, like they always did. They both knew exactly what each other was thinking, even without talking.

Ellen suddenly spoke up, "He was kissing her."
"He was kissing someone??"

Patrick looked at Ellen in disbelief, but she seemed detached, like she didn't even care. She only stared at the wall in front of them.

Ellen lifted her head from his shoulder with a swift motion. Her bangs were messy. Patrick put his hand through them to fix them and put his arm down lightly.
"I'm okay now." Ellen exhaled.
"You're okay." Patrick smiled.

He stared at her lips, wishing he could lock them with hers.
Ellen watched him for a few seconds before turning her head quickly to avoid his gaze. Quickly, she went outside and closed the door behind her.

I'm super bored so I finished writing this second chapter. I hope you guys like where this is going I'll probably introduce a few more people into the story the next episode. Please comment/ tell me what you think or give me any suggestions or ways I can make the story better. Thanks!!

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