Ch. 18 ✿ Up We Go

Start from the beginning

Seokjin stared at him, taking a moment to soak in what he just said. He realized that this man had only just met him, but he couldn't help but get a little frustrated with the assumption that he was going to use her innocence to his advantage. On the other hand, the man looked genuinely worried for her. He obviously knew about her regression and Seokjin could tell he cared for her safety. So he decided not to let himself be too offended and to simply reassure him. He was thankful that there was someone looking out for her while she was here with her chaotic family.

"Don't worry, I'm really only staying for a few minutes just to see her room since she asked me to. I would never do something like that to her when she's little. I'm not that kind of man. I can control myself." Seokjin patted Namjoons shoulder looked him in the eye, making sure he's gotten his point across clearly. "I'm glad she has someone like you looking out for her at home."

"Jinnieeeeeeeee!!!" Y/N complained, stomping her feet halfway up the staircase. "You're too slooooow!!!!"

"I'm coming, baby! Hold on!"

Seokjin looked back at the butler as they exchanged a smile, sharing a wordless, mutual understanding of trust before parting. Y/N grunted as he jogged over to the staircase.


"What?!" He laughed at her whiney voice as they both began climbing the rest of the stairs.

"You're Jinnie the SNAAAAILLLLLL!!!!!"

"What- I'm a snail?!"

"YES!!! You are Jinnie the snail who is s-so" Y/N panted, her seemingly endless energy finally catching up with her. "so very slowwwwww..."

Seokjin looked up from behind her, chuckling at her cute attempt to insult him. But he began to worry. He noticed how she was starting to slow down, dragging her feet against each step. His eyes widened as he saw her head begin to fall slightly to the side. Is she going to faint?! Seokjin darted up behind her to hold onto her waist and hug her from behind for support. He stretched his neck around to see her face. 

"Darling, are you alright?"

She simply nodded with hooded eyes. Her face wasn't pale or anything. She just looked completely worn out. He didn't blame her, though. It was hard to imagine having that much energy all day.

"Are you sleepy?"

"Mhmm sleepy~" She mumbled with a smile, turning to look up at him.

"Do you want to go to sleep early? I can see your room another time if you want."


She whimpered as she lifted her arms to him. Smiling with her eyes barely open, all she wanted was to be held. It was easy for Seokjin to see that's what she wanted, so he made a soft smiling sound and placed his hands on her.

"Awww. Okay baby, Up we go~"

Y/N was lifted by her waist, sleepily wrapping her arms around Seokjin's neck for security. He carried her up the last few steps, making his way towards a hallway.

"You wore yourself out, didn't you?"


He chuckled and looked around for a sign as to which room could be hers when he suddenly noticed something warm touch his neck. Turning slightly, he could see his baby giving him the gentlest, sleepiest kisses as she rested her head on his shoulder. Goosebumps rushed across his arms as he felt her fingers softly playing with the collar of his shirt.

Seokjin stood still, taking a minute to just enjoy the moment before it passed. She puckered her lips against his skin just a few more times before he felt her go limp in his arms. Just like that, she fell asleep. His heart melted as he lifted a hand from her back to brush her hair from her face. There she was, peacefully dreaming in his arms. He sighed and smiled. In all his life, never had he felt anything like this before. This little girl in his arms held his entire heart in her hands.

He looked down over the railing of the staircase to see her family's butler who was waving for his attention.

"Third door on the left," He whispered just loud enough for Seokjin to hear.

He must have been watching the whole time with the emotional look he had on his face. Seokjin smiled and mouthed the words 'Thank you' before heading over.

Walking carefully to not wake Y/N up, he cracked the door to her bedroom open. He stepped in cautiously, seeing the minimal furniture of her room. There was only a white desk, and a little white loveseat, dresser and a very large bed. Besides the sheer canopy surrounding her bed, there were no decorations, no colors, no toys... nothing that even slightly reflected Y/N's personality. He was having a hard time trying to think of what the 'cool thing' was that she wanted to show him, but he'd find that out another day.

He carried her over to the bed, carefully laying her down and resting her head on a pillow. She sunk into the cushions as he gently pulled the thick comforter over her sleeping body. Looking back at her, he smiled, so incredibly proud to have her. He slowly sat down beside her as he brushed a few strands of hair away from her face to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"How did I get so lucky?"

He cooed, whispering soft enough to not interrupt her sleep. Admiring her for just a moment more, he placed one more kiss on her cheek before tiptoeing his way through the door. He stopped in his tracks when he suddenly heard her small voice mumbling from across the room.

"Thank you, Jinnie," she mumbled, curling up against her pillow.

Halfway through the door, Seokjin sighed, looking at her fondly. It was heartwarming that she gathered up all that energy just to thank him.  He wasn't sure if the 'Thank you' was for being tucked in or if it was something much deeper than that.  He didn't need to know.  She was happy and that's all that mattered to him.  He was so proud. He smiled softly and flipped her light off.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. I love you so much."

"I love you too~" She smiled into her pillows.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Night night, Jinnie."

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