Questions you never thought to ask.

79 15 141

So, I was bored. And I found an interesting tag.

I'm gonna do it.


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1.If you could spend one day in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why: No one.

I may not always seem it, but I'm quite content with where I am and honestly, I wouldn't wanna change it.

2. Which celebrity gets on your nerve the most and why: Oh, Justin Bieber. I mean, aside from being just a downright pathetic horrible person he's also...

...a horrible person?

Point is, Justin is horrible and he doesn't deserve any of the love or respect he gets.

3. If you were  going to bury a time capsule, what would you put in it: I've always wanted to bury a time capsule. OwO

I'd put my dairy, pictures of smol me, printouts of random funny conversations between my friends, and my stuffed toys in it.

4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up: A teacher.

I know right, belgh.

Skipping 5.

6. What's the most exotic place you've gotten intimate: Wh-what?

What kinda question is this?
I didn't read all questions, now I'm regretting it.

7. What's the strangest place you've ever gone potty: LMFAO WHAT

I think it was behind some bushes back when I was like...five.

We went on a trip and I couldn't control anymore, okay?

8. How old were you when you had your first kiss: Idk man

I still haven't my first kiss yeet

9. Do you have any strange or unique phobias : I get anxiety when my battery percentage is below 70.

...does that count?

10. If you could bring back one toy from your childhood, what would it be and why: My "Punch me not" joker. I used to punch it, but it never fell down.

Heh, I remember once me and my cousin brother punched it from both sides and yet it didn't  fall.

Good ol' days, they were. Good ol' days.

11. If today was your last day, how would you spend it: Doing nothing.

I don't care, just let me die already.

12. Describe yourself in three words: Crazy psycho bitch.

13. If you could relive one day of your life, what day would it be and why: Uh...there is a day I'd like to relive, but dunno exact when.

But anyways, if I could, I would've. And it'd have changed things so much.


14. If you could be any Disney villain, who would you be: Maleficent or that ugly old witch from 'The Little Mermaid'.

Those are the only villains I respect.  

15. If your life was a novel, what would it be:

"Withered Away".

Dramatic, but true. The happy-go-lucky, cherry smol Sriju has withered away.

"The old Sriju can't come to the phone right now.

Cause she's dead."

The preface would be that.

Also also I wrote a four lined poem of some sorts?

Also also I wrote a four lined poem of some sorts?

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How is it? OwO

Since that was 15 questions, I'll tag 15 people.

lunaaa_aa(HAI WIFEY)



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