"But we haven't found a suitable one yet"

"We will"

I was surprised..we walked around a little more, i found a very beautiful earring and bangles which he bought.
I one the other hand ended up not paying for anything i took from the shop.

He later talked me into letting him drive me home , also saying it was a thank you again.
I smiled
" there's no problem with that "

"So friends?".... He asked stretching out his hands for a handshake.
" um yah friends"

We talked about different things as he drove down town to my home.

His car was too expensive looking and my neighbors will start the talk again.

I remember the first time Alan came to pick me up with a very sleek car.
They all spread a rumour that am sleeping with rich guys for money, not until they learnt he was my boyfriend , not just some rich guy.

I was satisfied that they couldn't talk again.

"So what college do you attend?," he questioned me.
" um am not really a college student, but i applied for a scholarship at the Angelo university, i just hope i get it"

"Oh i see, what's your full name"

I blinked at him.

"Haha ,OK you know so i could check on you in the university when you get the scholarship"

This guy is weird.

"Its Megan stone"

"Oh right"

He came to a stop.
I had given him direction and he got it once without asking again wow .

"See you around" he called out as i walked towards my door.

"See you around too,bye"

"Who was that, I'm sure as hell that ain't Alan, Meg are you cheating on him?".

" Stella slow down and what are you doing in my house aren't you supposed to be at your house"

" hello your my best friend your house it my house , your problem is mine ,OK?"

"Yeah right, but you scared me"

I pushed past her and walked to my mom room.

"Mom has been asleep for some time now"

"Thanks Stella"

"Your welcome"

Now Stella wasn't an orphan , in fact she got very rich parents, who love each other but always forget they had a daughters.. They come into town once in a while. Then give Stella lots of money. The next day they disappear back to where they were coming from.

Their excuse is that they are working hard so their daughter wont gave to suffer, but of course they forgot the part where their daughter needs parental guidance.

When she was little they'll hire nanny to take care of her but now she's a grown girl and she has me.

"Follow me Stella i bought some jewelries"

"Or the guy bought it for you" she corrected me.

Rolling my eyes i walked to my room stopping at the door i turned back and blew a kiss at her.

She laughed. "Your really a handful Meg ".

She shot the door as we both looked through the jewelries i got .

" they really are beautiful Meg, but you have to tell me about the guy"

I crossed my legs, "i met him at the Angelo mansion today......".

Of course she didn't let me finish.

" WHAT , wait is that Dmitri?, the only son of the Angelo's , owners of every Angelo firm ?"

"Huh.....i think so, he said his name was Dmitri"

"Oh my god, am about to faint "

I fell back the bed ," Stella can you please be less dramatic?"

"Oh please!!!"

We started laughing

The evening was eventful, for the first time my mom didn't ask for alcohol.
I felt so happy.

Now if i had the scholarship , my happiness would have been complete.

Around 12 am Alan called me.

"Hello ?"

"Meg how have you been , couldn't call all day cause i was busy with my procession of my school admission"

I accidentally rolled my eyes.
Catching myself from hissing, i bit my inner cheek.
"OK dear, anyway i got a new job to keep me busy too", i said that i little but forceful. Yikes

" OK darling , sweet dreams, love you"
" love you more".

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