Entry #4 - Paramedics

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Saturday, November 8th, 2014

9:59 PM


Wow I’m so tired! But here I am nevertheless.

Today I was able to visit my high school jazz band and surprise them by meeting up at the restaurant they were having brunch at. Buddy was so enthusiastic to see me and gave me the best hug ever! I seriously love his hugs. Brandon’s not much of a hugger it seems. Alex also was excited and gave me a big hug too while Gretchen, Trena, and Marcus gave me smaller ones. My band director was also surprised and happy to see me, although I did not end up being able to talk to him much.

We ate, or at least the others quite heartedly did due to being up and performing so early in the morning. I wasn’t very hungry due to being too excited and happy to see everyone. After brunch, we went over to Heid’s Music. I ended up buying some cork grease since I remembered my last stick melted over the summer and Brandon bought a harmonica. He has effectively driven me and everyone else crazy since. Other band members bought little do-dads as well.

Brandon, Buddy, and I also tried out the $3,000 Cannonball stone series saxophone. It’s a very smart looking sax with stones placed in specific areas for tone and sound quality. It also belongs to one of the last companies making saxophones in the U.S. with the body of the sax being made in Taiwan and the rest hand crafted and tuned in Salt Lake City.

I thought it was alright, but barked a bit when it came to getting out low notes. Then again, the reed I brought along had a pretty major crack in it so I was surprised it played at all. But dang, that saxophone looked mighty pretty.

Sadly, the jazz band had a performance to run off to and I had to get to work, so we had to part ways once I got some more amazing hugs from Alex and Buddy. Brandon hugged me too, but we didn’t get to kiss due to the director watching. He’s a stickler for PDA and has yelled and Brandon and I for standing too close in the past. We also couldn’t be in a practice room alone together, even if we were genuinely just practicing. I wish I were kidding.

Moving past that, I safely made it to work with plenty of time to spare so I finally got around to signing up for and in-store credit card. Due to being only 18, I am not allowed to have my own credit card without having a co-signer with most major credit card issuers. Which really sucks because it’s hard to build credit that way. However, I did manage to get this credit card, my first in my own name without anyone else, so hopefully it will help with this problem.

I went to the break room and had a small piece of Italian creme cake, which was quite good despite it having coconut and my dislike of coconut. There was also pumpkin pie and red velvet cake in there, which I also had tiny pieces of each later on. They always put bakery in the break room. No wonder I’m gaining my holiday weight early this year.

While cashiering, a woman at the cash register opposite of mine started to feel quite dizzy and within a minute, code white had been announced, a manager came over calling 911, and a wheelchair was rushed over a little too late as the woman fainted onto the floor. Luckily her husband and the cashier lowered her to the ground instead of her collapsing on the concrete floor.

I wasn’t close enough to be of any help, but close enough to see it all happen and yet attempt to act normal with my customers and get them out of my line as quickly as possible. Within 3-5 minutes the paramedics had arrived and they didn’t look like the ones on the show Emergency that Mom likes to watch. Then again, I suppose they would have changed up the uniforms since the 70’s.

The woman was awake, from what I hear, before they strapped her up in a gurney and took her away. Before they left, I had been switched registers to one that was farther away from the scene and simply continued to do my job and act as normal as possible while steering customers away from the scene. I was commended for handling the intense situation well, which I didn’t think much of since it’s simply how I handle such things. When something like this happens, I tend to stay calm, do what I need to, and keep my head on my shoulders. It’s just my natural reaction.

Once I was excused to go on my break, I went shopping since I had a $20 off of $50 coupon for opening the line of credit. I ended up buying a set of 3 non-stick frying pans, a memory foam bath mat, a 62 piece plastic container set with lids, and a combo Mulan/Mulan II DVD to push the total over $50. Why so much boring stuff? Well, firstly I do not need much that I do not already have (although I always want more clothes), and secondly moving out is constantly on my mind.

I’ll get into my options for moving out at a later time, but right now I have a corner of the basement stacked with boxes and a list of everything that I currently have for the day that I move out. As time goes on, I have been constantly adding little things to the pile, like a chipmunk would with a stash of nuts. While I do not have any plans for moving out in the near future, by doing it this way I figure I won’t need anything by the time I actually move, thus saving my future self from more financial stress.

I think about moving out at least once a day, and what living with Brandon would be like at least once every half hour, but I’ll elaborate on those things another time since I am absolutely beat!


Goodnight everyone and sweet dreams,


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