"I wanted to see you... I know this might not be the best time, but-"


"He blocked me!"


"The piece of shit blocked me!"

"What do you-"

"I can't see it anymore!"

"Val! Chill and explain it to me slowly. It's hard to understand you through a phone when you're rambling."

"The bastard blocked my powers! He's gonna do something stupid."

"And blocking your powers means?"

"I can't see the future when he's around and I can't see what he's gonna say or do! Aw, man, I'm so stupid!! I should have known when I first told you that he was going that we shouldn't let him! Fuck!"

"You're not serious..."

"Like hell, I'm not! He's gonna do something stupid that I didn't foresee!"

"But you already knew he was going so why didn't you think anything of it and-"

"Yeah! That's why the kid knows! Because I knew and I told you and you told her! But every time I try to get a glimpse into her future or to see what's up in his mind, I get cock-blocked into another mental human radio station!!"

"So you can't see anything that has to do with her?"

"Exactly! And I can't exactly leave Belle Reve to go and see what's going on either! Or to stop him from saying something he shouldn't!"

"I'll go."

"Like hell, you are- Spanish bimbo? Idiot? Blondie? Mariana?!" revealing no answer from the other line, the female threw the phone on the table and let out an annoyed scream. "Why don't these people listen to the fortune teller!?! Damn it!"


I don't know why, but we ended up allowing him inside even though the guys were still against the idea. They all stood either next to me or behind me as I had sat down in one of the couches opposite from my father. Sam sat on my left with her arms crossed, as she would, occasionally, look from me to my father before giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and going back to staring at him.

Tye was sitting on my right, staring directly at the man claiming to be my father. Unlike most of the time, his face was holding nothing but profound distrust and anger as if he was prepared to jump up and throw him out the door.

Virgil, Ed and Arsenal were all standing behind the sofa and they all held the same expression as Tye. Profound distrust and all of them looked just about ready to pounce. While, I, on the other hand, was just staring at him with an unrelated expression, forbidding myself from showing any type of weakness that could be taken advantage of.

The entire time he didn't seem fazed by the glares that were directed towards him and explained that he had help with finding out where I was, after some surprising news from my nonna which I found hard to believe. My disbelief of his claims got me to ask him what my nonna's name, age and favourite food was before asking what she used to call him as a child... he didn't falter and answered everything correctly without any sign of hesitation. I guess that everything that's happened up until now has finally caught up to me... not allowing me to trust immediately even though I really wanted to.

He explained that some friends helped him find out where I was and the reason why he was here... there's someone that wants to meet me and could help me, but didn't explain what he meant by "help" causing me to become more skeptical. But I could still feel my walls going down and crumbling as I was beginning to believe him...

But even with the forming trust, there was this feeling in my gut telling me not to listen to him. "It's too early. Continue your skepticism and do not go with him. It's not the right time." Maybe I should listen... but I'm not sure that I can... this is something I've wanted for years... and I finally got it... I'm meeting my dad and I don't want to leave this on a bad note... so maybe... maybe... I'll listen to him... just this once...


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"¡Pedazo de mierda andante! (A/N: I'll let you imagine XD)"

"Mariana? What are-"

"Gimme a minute, chica. I need to talk to this bastard." She grabbed my father's arm, pulled him away and went to talk to him far enough from me so that I couldn't hear, that is until she screamed. "What do you mean you were going to take her to see-" stopping almost immediately, Mariana shot me a small glance before speaking in a normal voice. She was hiding something.

Two Worlds Will Collide (Young Justice The Runaways fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora