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Dylliena Pov

      I get home before my mom so I guess she really did go get food. I drop my keys on the table and go to my room.

  I take off my slides and lay on my floor. I haven't responded to LaMelo's text yet and I don't know if I will. I think about it for a second.

         "F it ill text him back" I open messages and respond 'Been know this but thanks'

  I set my phone down and get off of the floor. While I start to get clothes ready to take a shower my phone goes off.

LaMelo Ball: I got a question
Me: What
LaMelo Ball: Why they call you line
Me: Dyl LIEN a
LaMelo Ball: Oh

I hear the door open downstairs and I don't know what my mom got to eat but I'm definitely taking a shower first. I pick up my clothes again and go in my bathroom.

After I shower I grab my phone and go downstairs. My mom is sitting on the counter with a slice of pizza in her hand.

"Out of all the options you chose pizza" I look at her like she was crazy.

Mom: "Little girl I'll eat it all myself" she takes another piece of pizza out of the box.

I open the fridge and grab a plate from the cabinet. I put a blob of ranch on my plate then put two pieces of pizza on my plate. I sit down at the stool next to my Mom.

My phone goes off I go to pick it up off of the table but my mom snatches it up.

Mom: "LaMelo Ball Let's see what he has to say" she unlocks my phone because you can't see the message when its locked just who sent it.

I dip my pizza in ranch and take a bite but closely watch my mother scroll and click.

Mom: "From LaMelo" she starts reading in the most annoying way possible like its a letter. "I got yo bbb shirt I'll give it to you tmr and I just think your're the baddest female I ever laid my eyes on" she does a boy voice for that part she added.

"You are so annoying can I get my phone back" I put my hand out.

Mom: "No" she scrolls up. "he bought you food yea I'm calling it now that lil nigga want you" she says almost singing.

"That's from a bet and he literally has a girlfriend give it back" I reach for it again.

Mon: "Do you know what she looks." I shake my head no. "Okay how about her name."

"Ashlyn...Ashley something like that

Mom: "Alright" She takes that and I guess runs with it because she goes to Instaram on my phone.

"What are you doing now?" I ask her.

Mom: "Looking at who LaMelo follows and now typing in Ashley...Got it Ashley Alvano the only Ashley he follows lets check he comments... yea this her look" she gives me my phone back.

I look at my phone and see the girl "She's pretty...Man I don't want that boy come on now." I say and take another bite of pizza. Then I respond to the text message with a simple 'thanks'

Mom: "My bad I forgot you only like them lil dark skin dudes."

            I raise my eyebrows "When did I ever say that?"

Mom: "You didn't have to let's see there was -"
              "Stop" we laugh.

I put my phone down and keep eating. My phone starts ringing and Rocket is facetiming me.

I answer it while grabbing a piece of pizza out of the box. "What bitch"

Can't Be Just Friends ||LaMelo Ball ❤️Where stories live. Discover now