xi. aaaaand more aliens

Start from the beginning

Liam and David burst into laughter, Ezra just sat confused in the middle of them, and steam was practically coming out of my ears. I knew my face had to be completely red.

The video was an old musical.ly of mine, from when i was probably ten or eleven. I'd begun this phase.. a cosplaying phase. A part of my life I wish I could forget. I was dressed as a poorly done Bakugo, and I was lip syncing to a popular song with overly exaggerated facial expressions and hand gestures. Y'know, musical.ly cosplayer stuff.

Those videos had to be some of the most embarrassing things I did as a kid, and when I was maybe twelve I smartened up and deleted the musical.ly app. I never looked back. I never wanted to.

David was the first to stop obnoxiously cackling, wiping tears from his eyes. "What's wrong, kiddo? We were just showing him who you truly are. He deserves the truth, darklordthecosplayer27." The twerp had the audacity to mock my old username, the sound of it making me cringe.

"YOU BURNT HOT POCKETS-" I fumed, pulling them by the shirt collar off the bench seats and they went tumbling to the ground, letting out pained grunts. "Stop corrupting the blueberry!" I motioned to the boy just sitting on the bench seat, chin in his palm, watching us fight in amusement as he ate some of my mom's homemade fries he stole from the kitchen.

Liam gave a quick knowing glance to David beside him, then glanced at me. "He's not corrupted. We haven't even shown him the Todoroki cosplay yet."

I let out a groan in frustration as I lunged at the two, and we ended up fighting on the ground while Ezra laughed at us, Brent arrived and filmed it on his phone, until my dad came and broke us up. He lifted me off Liam by the back of my shirt collar, adrenaline still pumping and legs still kicking in hopes I could kick his kneecaps in. "Lemme go! I can take em, dad!"

"Now what on God's green earth are you three knuckleheads doing?" Dad completely ignored my angry shouting as he set me on the other side of the bench, ordering me with just an icy stare to stay put. I begrudgingly listened and plopped down on the bench seat across from Ezra, stealing a fry from his basket.

"Jamie started it! We were just trying to make our good new friend Elijah feel comfortable." David stood up, using his best innocent voice and pout as he lied to our father. He rested a hand on Ezra's shoulder, and the blueberry just gave him a deadpan look.

"Liar! You idiots just wanted to embarrass me. And his name is Ezra! Get it right, goons."

"Yeah!" Ezra added in support, and I raised my hand to fist bump him. He stared at my fist quizzically for a moment, then up at me with an arched brow. I rolled my eyes and picked his hand up, balled it into a fist and connected our knuckles. He finally seemed to understand, and we both chuckled to ourselves.

Dad pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. After dealing with me, Liam and David constantly at each other's throats for years, the man was understandably tired of it. "Look, I don't care who started it, I'm ending it. Break it up. Liam, David, go help your mother in the kitchen. James, Ezra, go watch the news with gramps."

I whined under my breath as I face planted the table. "But dad, all gramps does is talk about how hot the weather girl is and get smacked in the arm by grams." I pouted up at him. He shook his head.

"Doesn't matter. Maybe if you spend some time with them, you'll fall asleep and you won't punch each other for a while."

I huffed indignantly. "But dad-"

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