New Girl

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My alarm clock when off. 


Tessa thought to herself, "UGH, another day in this RATCHET new nieghborhood." Tessa rolled her eyes and then realized, it was her first day of SCHOOL. "Fuck! Ugh i don't want to!" She got up exhausted. Then her mom yelled downstairs "Go take out the garbage before school!" Tessa was already angry, "WHY CANT YOUUU??" Her mom replied "Because im in bed and your going outside anyways." Tessa rolled her eyes again. "Whatever" she whispered.

Tessa quickly got dressed in a light pink crop top and booty shorts with socks and sandles, she put her hair in a messy bun without brushing it to take the trash out. as she was going down the stairs she tripped over a step and fell down the stairs. "are you kidding me again?" she grabbed the garbage and slammed the door. feeling the ground shake behind her.

she walked down the drive way. The sun still rising, "it's only 5:00!" she yelled.

"sure is." she heard a deep voice. But couldnt figure out where it was coming from. She continued on. As she approached the garbage can she saw a dark figure. "Hello?" she asked. "is anybody there?" she said to the dark figure. Then,  as she said that, a boy walked out, the sun beamed on him. He wore black ripped jeans, with a black shirt and a black leather jacket. He had tattoos, they were on his thighs. He also wore a pair of black leather combat boots.

"hey" the guy said, laid back. "h-hey..." replied Tessa. "are you new?" he asked. "y-es..." Tessa stuttered. "your cute." he said, "i'm hardin, what's your name?" Tessa was speechless, she said back  "h-hardin.... my name is Tessa." 

"HES SO CUTE" she thought inside her head. 

Hardin: "You okay? you blanked out.."

Tess: "yes! sorry! it happens a lot."

Hardin looked Tessa up and down and said "nice outfit" he then walked away with nothing else to say. As he was walking away, he turned around, "btw, school starts at 6:00, so it's actually late, better hurry." he then winked. 

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