chapter 5

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//Baderclop's POV//

i hear sicking thud, and then everything was quiet for what seemed like hours. my ears ringing loudly, giving me a really bad headache. I snapped out of my trace when Adorabat screamed.

"oh no.." the words mumble out of my mouth as i remember what had just happened. Mao Mao.. is he..?

"B-Bagerclops? we've g-gotta go" Aborabat sniffles crying openly "We have to get Mao Mao, t-to help him.. remember? y-you- you promised we would help him B-Bagerclops!" Adorabat stutters her sobs getting louder. Adorabat tries her best to fly down to Mao Mao's limp body but i stop her and hold her close. i want to be as close as i can with someone, she doesnt struggle. i dont think she knows..

"hes g-going to be ok.. r-right- right badgerclops?" Adorabat looks up at me, with pleading eyes. i just look away, i cant speak without balling. bitting my lip to make sure no sobs escape my mouth, i have to be strong for her.. for Mao Mao. sliding and mostly using my arm to get down the cliff, i notice his body isnt even moving and i go faster, ive got to get to him. Mao Mao's going to be ok, he just has to be. as we reach the bottom, Adorabat slips out of my arms and flys to Mao Mao as im close behind. she wipes her tears and clears her throat.

//No one's POV//

"Mao Mao? a-are you ok?" Adorabat slightly nudges Mao Mao's unresponsive body. it felt so quiet for the both of them.

"hey Mao Mao t-time.. time to get up" Adorabat pushes Mao Mao harder, the force making Mao Mao's weak body turn over. The sight made Adoarbat screech in terror. Mao Mao's nose was bleeding as so was his mouth. His eyes slightly open and giving her a deadly cold glare. his fur felt wet, and there was a smell. a smell that only one could make it out. Bagerclops knew the smell as blood. Blood trickled down Mao Mao arms and down his stomach. Almost everything was soaked. Adorabat looked down to see the red liquid, staining her paws. She didnt understand at first but then realized, was this blood? the moment she thought of it she was swiped up by Badgerclops. He held her tight as he finally sobbed. Knowing what this meant she started sobbing loudly as well. they cried in each other's arms for what seemed like days. Badgerclops didnt know what to do, so he just mourned. they both did. Badgerclops mourned for his best friend and even brother like partner, And Adorabat mourned for her father, her dad. All they wanted was for Mao Mao to get up, for his lifeless body to move. when the sun had came up Badgerclops knew he had to tell everyone what had happened and get Adorabat away. Baderclops started to turn away from the body. Adorabat would have screamed, she would have begged to be with him for longer. she wanted to, but couldnt. She was too weak, too tired and emotionally drained. Badgerclops was too, but he had to keep moving. He walked away as Adorabat cried softly in his arms. Badgerclops felt like he was walking aimlessly until he stumbled upon their home. the home they shared with HIM. with Mao Mao. setting the poor bat down on their couch, he pet her. a small gester but it meant the world to her. She looked at him and he whisper a hoarse goodbye for now and that he'll be right back. Adorabat was too tired to protest. Badgerclops left the house, the one where he'd lived with his best friend. Speaking of he'd have to retrieve the body. Walking back to the sight took very little time. nothing had changed since they left. The body was now cold and all the blood had dried. Picking up his deceased friend he went to break the news to the others and officially start his life without his beloved Mao Mao.

(I'm gonna make a alternate ending don't worry children-)

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