Plotting- I Mean Planning!

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Makarov sat in his office, buried under a pile of paper, complaining about how Natsu's team was so destructive, when suddenly, he had a genius idea. Makarov would send some of his most troublesome mages on vacation, they had enough money to pay for it and then the old guildmaster would finally get some peace and quiet. He would even let each of them choose one other person to come with them. They would never suspect a thing!
"Master!" Mira called. "Enter, child." The Wizard Saint commanded. The takeover mage shoved the door open with her foot and entered Makarov's office, balancing a large stack of paper precariously in her arms. Makarov let out a long groan, "What did they do now?!" The exhausted old man asked. "Natsu and his team accidentally burned down the mansion of the client!" The sweet she-devil answered cheerily.
Mira set down the papers on his desk and turned to leave. "Wait a minute Mira." Makarov asked. "I'm going to send Natsu and his team on a vacation, and I need someone to be in charge. Would you be up to the task?" The master begged. "That sounds like a great idea Master!" Mira exclaimed happily, much to the tired old man's relief. Makarov quickly have Mira her instructions and sent her off, telling her to make the announcement the next day.
As the old man labored over his never-ending mountain of paperwork, he realized that, in the case of another war, the guild would need strong allies, and it never hurt to have more friends. Makarov thought for a minute. The first ones that came to mind were Zeref and Acnologia. Then the guildmaster decided, before Team Natsu set out on the ferrie that would take them to the tropical islands, they could pick up Zeref, Acnologia and some of the Spriggan Twelve maybe, if they wanted to come. They could go tomorrow, spend the night in Visterion, and head to the dock the day after that. Makarov wrote to Zeref, and then to Acnologia, asking if they wanted to come. To his surprise, almost as soon as Makarov poofed the letters away, he got his replies.
When he tore open the envelope, a satisfied smile formed on his face. They had both agreed. He summoned Mira to tell her the change in plan and said that she could inform the guild about the vacation immediately. Mira did so, and the group chose Gajeel, Levy, Juvia, Laxus, Romeo, Mavis, and Jellal to accompany them.
The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Five minutes before closing time, though, Makarov went down to have a drink. "Hey Mira!" Mira slid his mug across the table to him, already knowing what he would order. As she turned around he heard her muttering, "I need to get them all together. NaLu, GrUvia, JeRza, well GaLe is already together and so is ZerVis. And, oh dear! I can't forget about RoWen and AcnoRene!" "Umm Mira?" The old man asked. "What are you mumbling about?" He wondered if putting the takeover mage in charge of all of those rowdy kids was too much. "Nothing! Just plotting- I mean planning! You know, for our vacation!" She laughed nervously, and the old Wizard Saint began to wonder if the she-devil had begun to lose her sanity.
Just then Laxus called "Hey, Mira! Can I get a drink over here?" Mira pulled out a glass and filled it up, then handed it to Laxus, her cheeks tinting pink when their hands touched. Makarov chuckled, thinking that he would look forward to the wedding.

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