Chapter 2- first step-Venice

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Standing at the Rialto bridge, Rhyde watched the boats pass by, causing the water splash the river banks. This was his escape. For the last few days, he would find peace when walking along the streets of Venice. Sometimes it would be along the streets of San Marco, and sometimes sitting in the Biennale park.
Until today, his systematic life had always been perfect. He would schedule his days according to to his work, and his family. But now that his father had told him this upsetting truth, all he could think about was who was his mother, and where was she.
He could not accept change in his life. Having one mother and one father was 'normal' for him. He never wondered who his real parents were. But now, he wanted to find this person, and maybe accept her into his life.

"Lucile Fabris was her name, you will find her in Venice" was his father's words, when Ryde asked to meet with her. His father could not stop him, it was his real mother after all.

He left for Venice, not knowing where in Venice he would find her or how he would contact her...

Hello Everyone;
These chapters are quite short, Enjoy!!! written this chapter in mind especially as its my last night in venice!!! :( sad times!!!

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