Brave New World

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The sky of the synapse lit up as the angeloid sister fought of the on slot of omegas. (FN) and his friend were trying to pry omega on Kamina's back off to no avail. Nymph did her best to keep her cool while boosting her sisters' power but slowly she was overwelled and knocked to the ground. Ikarus fared a bit better but taking down at least three of them before se to was overwhelmed. Astraea was the only one left standing and she was furious she fought like a savage barbarian hopped up on adrenalin. She would let herself get hit if it meant she could easily land a counterattack. She didn't care if her body was torn to pieces, she would save her son no matter what it took. An omega round kicked Astraea in the side of her head with her knee giving Astraea a small concussion. Momma bear fought through the pain opened her mouth and bite off the angeloids patella part of her knee clean off. The angeloid barely had a chance to scream before her head was cut off. Immediately after that five angeloids bombarded her back with plasma blast enveloping her in a smoke cloud when it cleared Astraea had first degree burns on her back. Astraea vision began to get blurry and she slowly began to fade but then a memory of Kamina flashed in her mind they were at the park Kamina was three she was holding him in air spinning them in a circle when they stopped she hugged her baby he wrapped his arms around his mother's neck and whispered to his mommy "I love you mommy."

Astraea let out a warrior scream and activated her hyper acceleration wings and, in a flash, she got behind the angeloid and sliced four of them to pieces but the fifth punched her dead in the face with boiling blood Astraea swung her left arm decapitating the angeloid with her shield. But alas the other omegas dogged piling and embolizing her they held her in place as Minos flew up to look his former slave in eyes "Tell me delta how does it feel knowing your about to lose everything you hold deer?" Astraea puckered her lips and hurled a spit ball right between Minos eyes. "Burn in hell swine!" Minos sighed wiped the spit ball off the after a moment started furiously punching Astraea in the face until one eye was black.

He then grabbed her hair and pulled her up and made her look down at the humans still trying to pull the omega angeloid of Kamina's back with no success all the while (FN) was talking to his boy trying to keep him with but the light in his eyes was fading "Let me tell you something Delta after you boy falls under my control and create a new world for me. You what am going to do next?" Minos lead in and whispered

"I'm going to cut off you sons head and put it on a pike."

Astraea eyes glowed crimson red then she spoke"Pandora system fully operation." Astraea body started to give of a blindinggolden glow fallowed by a shockwave that sent Minos and the other omegas away.When the light died away looked in shock and worry knowing this could be a problem.

After nearly an eternity of existing Astraea had finally awakened her self-evolution system aka pandora

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After nearly an eternity of existing Astraea had finally awakened her self-evolution system aka pandora.

Astraea landed next to her sisters and placed ahand on their heads. Energy emitted for her hands flowing into her sister.Ikarus and Nymph were enveloped in pick and blue lights respectively and whenthey died out Ikarus and Nymph stood there pandora systems had activated aswell.

Nephilim (Astraea x  Male Reader Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now