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Weeks passed after Kamina fired his laser and everyone was on edge. For a few days we treated him as if he was a bomb that would blow at any second. Our nerve finally calmed down when we reserved a package from Daedalus it was a bottle of baby formula that was made to prevent Kamina from unleashing his powers on ascendant. I took a while took get Kamina to drink it though he was found of his mother's milk not this new stuff but eventually he drank it and there were no further incidences.

About half a year later Mikako gave birth to little girl her and Sugata named Athena. Athena was a little ball of energy from the moment she could crawl she was always on the move Sugata had his full he was without a doubt a proud of his little girl. Even Mikako even though she was busy being the new head of her family always made time for her daughter she even started to be less sadistic over all which was a breath of fresh air because when she pregnant she was borderline savage 24/7 how Sugata survived was beyond my comprehension.

Athena and Kamina spent a lot of time together over at my place in what was in a nut shell a 2-baby day care where the angeloids looked after them the two got along well. Out of every I say Nymph enjoyed looking after the baby's the most even thought it was no secret Kamina was her favorite she loved being his aunt and bouncing him on her knee. Before Nymph agued with Astraea about stealing each other's snacks now they argue about who's going to look after Kamina. Astraea loves Kamina with a burning passion not even the troubles that came with being a mother never got her down. She would spend hours just playing with him. Ikaros mostly just stuck to rubbing his head and whenever Kamina would start to flout around the ceiling Ikaros would be there to almost having a staring contest with the same no expressing on her face. When I first meet Ikaros I thought she was hot but her lack of emotion made interest in her sink faster than a lead ball. As for me there's nothing I wouldn't do for my little boy. If you had told me I would be the father of a . I would have said your out of dame mind but here I am the proud father of one. When I'm spend time with Kamia I manly just talk to him. I just talk to him about anything like how my day was. Every now and then he will make a sound in response to what I'm saying all in all I love spending time with him.

A few months later Mikako and I walked back to my place at the end of the day so she could pick up Athena. We came into the living room to find Kamina trying to walk towards me but he could not on account of Athena tugging on his wings keeping him in place. "The girl takes after her mother truly she does." I said somberly "My little girl is all ready showing the world who's boss." "Sure, she is." I said sarcastic 

Years passed and Kamina and Athena grew older. Both Athena and Kamina grew to have the look of her mothers with their fathers' fetchers. Athena with her long flowing and Kamina and his golden blond hair. Time marched on and before we knew it was time for the kids head of for there first day of school. At first Astraea and I were worried about what the other kids would say about Kamina's wings. The very next day Kamina figured out he could completely retraced his wings into his back. When the first day off school. Athena walked into the school building with her head healed high. Kamina however needed a little encouragement. I knelt down to my son. "You nerves "Yes dad." Kamina said meekly "Don't worry you got this your half angle. You're going to be something amazing one day but only if you have the courage to create your destiny. A smile spread over his face. He turned around and ran off to school. He looked back waving back "Bye mom bye dad I love you!" "We love you to!" Astraea smiled as she waved back to him. She then laid her head on my shoulder "Our baby's growing up." "Yes, he is"

Time skip

By the time 6th grade rolled around the kids had grown and were starting to become their own people. Athena had her mother's personality but it was tempered by the quirks that she had that made it clear she was Sugata's daughter. She had a love for exploration and all the worlds mythologies. Her favorite interest was Kamina she always fond it strange and wonderful that her best friend was a Nephilim. Aside from teasing him every now and then she was his partner in whatever they did the two were more like siblings then friends. Kamina grew into a saint in the making. He almost always did as he was told always remembered his manners and hardly got into trouble. There rare times he did was when Athena was leading him on she had always been the leader but the trouble she got them into was nothing horrible she was far from a bad influences on him. Kamina was a good boy he was a smart boy although he did inherit his mother's clumsiness tripping seemingly for no reason.

However, I by this point I learned that Astraea was the favorite parent. Not that Kamina didn't love me quite the opposite. My guess he just related more to his mother sense both of them had wings and I didn't. I did have my moments to shine though like his mother he loved my cooking and he could eat a lot. And he would come to me when ever his mother didn't know the answer which was 90% of the time.

But then right before the end of 6th grade something happened that would be an omen of things to come years down the line. It was after one of Athena's volleyball games. The gang and I were talking with everyone for quite some time. When I glanced at my watched it was getting late we said our goodbyes and we went off to spot Kamina and Athena always went to after every game. It was an acorn tree a few yards off from the man school building. Athena and Kamina considered it their spot. When we got there, we were meet with an unpleasant sight. This year a new kid arrived and had been bulling Kamina one and off threw out the year. I told Kamina not to get violent because he could hurt the bully without even trying. Athena had showed up the bully few times seems she understood what Kamina was capable off and why he shouldn't fight. But it appeared the bully wasn't having any of it he shoved Kamina to the ground. Athena then smacked the bully on the back of his head. The bully turned around and BAM punched Athena striated in the center of her face sending her to the ground her nose bleeding badly.

The bully would soon learn he fucked up.

Kamina front flipped on to his feet and his eyes glowed with all the colors of the rainbow. Energy erupted out of him as he spread wings as white glossy armor materialized over his body and a halo appeared over his head as his wings took on a neon whit glow. Everyone even Ikaros had an opened moth shocked expression there was no doubt in any one's mind this was Kamina's version of Uranus queen mode or Uranus King mode as we would later call it. The bully then  punch Kamina face but he Kamina didn't even flinch. Kamina brought his hand down and from the sound we hear heard he broke the bully's elbow. The bully fell to the ground screaming in pain. Kamina's hand right arm stated to glow then it exploded like one of the angleiods cards and when the pieces reassembled his arms was canon like the harpies. He pointed the cannon at the bully's face and the cannon began to charge. "KAMINA STOP!" I shouted Kamina turned his head to look at me. The moment our eyes meet he dropped out of Uranus king mode and stumbled backward.

Ikaros and Nymph healed the bully's arm and wiped his memory of the event then whent back to Tomoki's. Sohara went home as well. Sugata and Mikako took Athena home. While Astraea and I comforted Kamina as he cried and kept saying he was sorry.

I hope you all have a kick ass day.

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