She's Pregnant

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I slowly began to stir I opened my eyes to find my wife sleeping on my chest. I smile thinking back to our mourning after our first time. Astraea began to wake up and let out a big yawn ... right in my face. "Jeez watch where you aim that morning breath sweetheart." Astraea blushed "sorry honey." " It's all right your master forgives." I smile while rubbing her head. I turn to look at the clock 9:00 am the Satsukitane family let me have this morning off which work out in the long run because just like I had promised Astraea her legs were numb and couldn't walked so I picked her up and carried her bridal style into the kitchen. After making some pancakes and messaging Astraea's legs till they were working again I kissed my wife on the forehead and went to work. The rest of the day was ordinary and the day after that. it wasn't until 3 weeks later that my life stated to change.

I woke up as I always but Astraea was gone I turned my head looking for her that when I heard the sound of throwing up in the bathroom. I got up and waked to the door and gently knocked on the door "You all right baby?" I asked "No I'm not" is all she said before barfing again. She probably ate to much last night. I thought to my self "don't worry it will stop eventually" about ten minuets latter Astraea can out of the bathroom looking drained "I'm going back to bed" she said as sluggishly got back in bed I kissed her check "call me if you need anything sweetheart."

When my lunch break came I went back to check on Astraea I entered the kitten to see 4 boxes of eggos opened and Astraea was eating them with a huge smile on her face. "Hi honey I would offer you some eggos  but I ate them all." "I can see that" I said as I when to the freezer to pull out some chicken. "What made you eat all the eggos darling?" "I just got a craving for some eggos." "ah I see well I'm going make us so fried chicken ok." Astraea stopped eating and lowered her fork "actually  I'm not in the mood for fried chicken. I turned my head and just stared at her "but you love fried chicken you always jump on the chance to eat some." I asked confused "I'm sorry I'm just not in the mood for fried chicken." Astraea said. "Oh well more for me then I said as I started the preparations for the chicken. 

A week later I finally stated noticing something was up besides Astraea still getting sick every other morning and her food cravings being wearied it was her breasts. Astraea was extremely well endowed ever sense I first saw her but now they are growing in size. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but when my reached up and grabbed them on one evening make out  there was definitely more to grab not to mention she said it hert when I grabbed them and I didn't ever grab that hard.

Then 3 days latter the ball dropped hard. The two of us where having dinner and I way telling Astraea about how Mikako father and a few of the body guards had to much sake  and were acting like monkeys. I was having a ball telling the story when out of know where Astraea stood up and shouted "Cant we talk about some thing else besides your job!" she said with venom in her voice. I just sat there staring at her in denial. Astraea after a moment  relized what had happened tears started swelling in her eyes. "I sorry master I don't know what hapend" " hey it ok its alright baby." I said as I stood up to hug her." Astraea sniffed "I have just been feeling off this past week." " yeah if I did know eney better I would say you were ... "  "Im what master?" "Astraea baby do me a favor just sit down and finish your diner I have to make a phone call ok?

I went into the other room and pulled out my phone and called Mikako " Hey "(F/N) what's up?" "Mikako I need you to get every one over hear now." what do you mean every one?" she asked. "EVERYONE" I say as I channeling my inner Gary Oldman  "the whole gang get them over to my place now especially Ikaros and Nymph."

About ten minuets let every one was at my place and after get them something to drink I took Astraea hand and explained what had happened this past month and when I was done Mikako, Tomoki and Sohara all had huge smile." Congratulations guys!" Sohara said beaming. " Yep her boobies are definitely bigger" Tomoki said as he stared at my wife's chest. Then like clock work Sohara brought down her karate chop of doom apron Tomoki's head. " Thank you Sohara" Astraea said "No problem" Sohara replied. "Tomoki just as a friendly warning if you ever try something perverted on my Mikako I will introduce you do my bear knock out pouch got it." Sugata said plainly. "message received guys" Tomoki said as he lay on my carpet bumps sticking out of his head.

Anyway getting back to the reason you all are hear I turned to Nymph and Ikaros. Who had looks of disbelief "Nymph you told me it was imposable for an angleoid to get pregnant but Astraea is showing all the signs of being one month pregnant. If its not to much trouble could you and Ikaros run a check up on Astraea pleas?" "Not at all. Alpha would you mind helping?" " Not at all" Ikaros said in her plain voice. The two them plugged there ear wires into Astraea and for a good few minutes the three just sat there. The rest of just set in awkward silence.

Finally Ikaros said after running 3 full maintenance checks on Astraea she was in perfect health and that she was indeed pregnant. When everyone finally left we had two things on our minds. The first was how on earth was Astraea pregnant if she was never built to be pregnant. We where happy she was but still wondering why. Finally the second was dealing with a jubilant Sugata on be the god father to the first ever Nephilim.

I hope you all have a kick ass day.   

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