Master of the Synapse

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High up in the synapse Minos sat on his throne waiting sipping some wine and with his other had he fondled one of his servants. Suddenly a dive portal opened and out strutted iris with Athena over her shoulder. After the portal closed Iris dropped Athena to the floor with a loud thud of which she groaned in pain. Minos stood up walked over to Iris and kissed her lustfully. "Good work omega." Minos said after their lips parted. He then looked down at the human in his throne room. "get her ready we don't have long before."

Footsteps cutoff his sentence as one of the harpies ran up to her master. "Master Kamina is already hear!" "WHAT!" Minos screamed in shock a hologram screen materialized. And there fly towards their location was the Nephilim with a murderous look on his face. It seems the bait worked perfectly "Incredible he has the ability to warp between our two worlds without a dive portal incredible but I doubt he even know how he is doing it." Minos said with wicked smile. "Omega deal with him but remember I want him alive!" Omega spread her wings and flew straight at Kamina. the two collided and a split-second latter there was a massive explosion as the angeloid clashed with the Nephilim the two soring across the sky like a purple and golden comet.

A few minutes later a dive portal opened and the three angeloids and their human friends stepped out. The gang look upon the giant stone obelisk at the far end of the floating island they were on. off in the distance explosion went off in the distance. "Your boy is amazing delta. The group turned around to see Minos stand next to the obelisk sipping some whine with Athena lying next to him tied up the angeloids powered up. "Minos give me back my boy." Astraea shouted in raged. Minos drop his glass and let it shatter. He then turned to face the group he then looked down at Athena. "You girl get up go back to you parents. I have no further need for you." Athena struggled to her feet quickly and ran over to her mother and father who meet her half way. Astraea slowly waked towards Minos she was grasping her sword so tightly her knuckles we white. "Where is my son!" She shouted rage burring in her eyes. Minos smiled smugly "Delta look at you think you have the right to talk to your master that way." Energy started to pour out of Astraea. "I will never bow to you ever again. I have a new master he is my husband and father of my child and love him with all my heart. I WILL NEVER BE YOURS AGAIN!" she said as she pointed her sword at him.

Minos opened his mother to speak but a giant shock wave rippled threw out the Synapse iris came crashing down into the center. When the smoke cleared from the impact every one present looked on in shock even Minos had raised eyebrows. There laying on the ground was Iris her lower half had been cut off. On her face was a look of denial over her predicament as she looked up as Kamina slowly landed holding Iris left leg and when he landed, he snapped it in two like a twig. "my oh my this is curios you truly are remarkable Kamina." Minos said with awe in his voice. Kamina turned his head like a leopard and within the blink of an eye had Minos by through. "You hurt Athena you pay for that!" Kamina shouted in his face. As his eyes glowed golden along with his wings he looked like a god. Minus struggled to get his words out due to lack of air "First I didn't hurt her Iris did second you don't know what this is do you?" he gestured to the stone obelisk behind himself. Kamina slightly loosened his grip. Minos continued "An eternity ago the synapse was civilization with no equal we were masters of all we saw. But eventually we grew bored so to cure the boredom Daedalus your grandmother created the rule it had the ability to grand the wishes of our kind and with our wishes fulfilled we were happy again but eventually we grew bored again so all of the synapse came together and made a collective wish. We wished for a new universe to observe to cure our boarded and the rule granted it. But a wish of that magnitude caused it to shut and it would not reactant for any one.

For millennia we watched the new universe evolve until a small blue planet formed and humans appeared. Daedalus fascinated by these new being created alpha, beta and your mother delta as the first angeloids. Her dream was to one day have her daughters mingle with the human and create a subspecies however she had known means of building her daughter with the ability to reproduce. So, she created the pandora system to hopefully evolve her daughters to one day have an offspring. But then I took the trio away and made them my slaves. Eventual my people wanted to interact with the new world without leaving the synapse. So, we created devise that projected "phantoms" if you will that let us live out lives on earth while our bodies are asleep."

"what's your point." Kamina said tightening his grip again. Minos chocked getting out his words. "after millennia the rule has reawaking with your birth."

Kamina drop Minos in shocked and looked back at his family and friends who were in equal shock. "explain!" Kamina shouted. After Minos caught his breath, he continued. "the rule will only grant the wish of those who from synapse. synthetic biologically created beings like the angeloids don't count and my people have used up our wishes but then we have a you a being made up of DNA and binary code now the rule can grant a new wish yours."

Minos then stated chuckling "Or should I say mine."

Irises body began to shake and metal tubes shot out of her stomach and wrapped around Kamina binding him. She then reeled herself onto Kamina back and placed her hands on his neck and iris colored lines stated appearing on his neck and started to spread. "Master what happing to me?" iris screamed. "You wining my dear?" Minos said. "what?" Iris said in clear confusion. Minos frond "your stupid girl I created you to restrain Kamina how it was done mattered not to me. You are a tool to be used noting more. Plus, you not the only one.

Suddenly dozens of p stealth system were dropped and about 20 omega types angeloids surrounded the floating island. The angeloids got into fighting stances. "ignore the humans deal with the first generation angeloids. "Leave them alone!" Kamina shouted. Minos creased Kamina's face "Oh Kamina you have no say in the matter and soon you won't have a say at all. The angeloid strapped to your back is rewriting the binary code in your DNA to serve me and once you are bent to my will you will use my wish to grant my desire to create a new universe that is completely under my control a universe made in my image."

to quote doctor strange "were in the endgame now."       

Hope you all have a kick ass day.

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