2.8// those shows have never been what it's about

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Katie's POV-

"How was Las Vegas, babe?" This was the first thing Ashton told me once we had greeted each other and were sitting in a car. Of course, the rest of the band was also in this black Escalade. I was sitting beside Ashton all the way in the back. Jason and Joey sat on the next row, and Matt sat all the way in the front in shotgun.

The first thing that I saw once I got off the plane was not only Ashton, but also dozens of fans all crowded up around te gate. Ashton, being the nice little shit he is, was signing various autographs and taking selfies. I admired him for a little while, how determined he was to meet as many people as possible. You could tell that Ashton was very tired, since he still had the same clothes that I had last seen him in, and his headphones were still hanging around his neck. Also, the bags under his eyes gave it away.

As soon as the squeals began, Ashton turned around and we met eyes almost immediately, and his face brightened. All the bags that had once rested under his eyes rose and deteriorated like a snowflake on a scalding summer day. It was like I was his source of happiness. His sunshine, some might say.

"Good, it's so pretty." I guffawed, remembering how much I admired the tall buildings and the beautiful structure. Jason had to tug at my hand every once in a while because I kept on looking at the vast buildings and getting lost in the logistics of it all.

"Not as pretty as you." He giggled and whispered to me, kissing my cheek and placing his arm around me. I could see Joey tensing up, but at the moment, he was the least of my problems. I still had to meet Ashton's parents.

Meeting them felt like a death mission. I mean, what am I supposed to tell them? That I love their son but I have to leave him for my bassist? Or even worse, that I don't love my bassist, but that I had to break up with Ashton as soon as possible? Hell no.

"You did not just say that," I laughed, hitting Ashton's chest slightly. Ashton laughed along with me, and then gave me yet another kiss on the cheek. Well, he tried to. Before he could, though, I turned my head and made his lips connect with mine. I felt him smile on the kiss and this made me giggle as well.

How am I supposed to choose between the two people that make me happy the most?
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We dropped off Matt at his house and Joey and Jason at Jason's house. Apparently, their parents had gotten together and thrown them a welcome party, and not inviting neither Matt nor me. Of course, I would be staying with Ashton, since, you know, I had no intention in seeing my parents any time soon.

Ashton seemed ecstatic for me to meet his whole family. They had already re-united, so there wouldn't be that big of a fuss when we walked in. At least that's what I thought while I was still in the car.

His house was tall, a beige color surrounding it and an orange-looking tiled roof. It clearly had two floors, and on the second floor there were two windows mirroring each other. The front porch had two small steps, and it was lined with different house plants. The driveway was large, however what surprised me was the fact that they had a cute pathway to lead to the front door. It was like a steppingstone type of path, lined with a variety of different rocks on each side.

I suppose I was too caught up in seeing this beautiful house up to the point where Ashton has to pull me away. Giggling, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stepping stone path that I happened to find so fascinating. Ashton was considerate enough to grab my suitcase from the trunk, so he was grabbing my suitcase with one hand and holding my hand with the other. My purse was in my free hand, so it wasn't like I wasn't carrying anything.

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