“I'm not surprised. But you can’t hide forever.”

“I know.” Elijah smiled at me encouragingly. Sighing I pushed myself from my temporary safe haven back into cold reality.

Elijah disappeared into the cabin and I made use of my time by beginning to tack the horses. We still only had two horses. I assumed we would trade off on double riding. With the horses tacked and ready I lingered next to Lady stroking her nose, with each exhale white clouds of steam rose from her nose. Her warmth enveloped me from a close distance. Sighing I rested my forehead on her cheek. After that I returned to the cabin. Elijah and Rowan were packing small saddle bags with an assortment of items.

“The horses are tacked and ready.” I announced.

“Good, thank you Ariya, we shall be ready soon.” Rowan smiled. He was such a curious man, a happy one at that.

Following their lead I began to pack my meager belongings. I didn’t have much to begin with but now I had even less. After all my rapid moving didn’t have much, mostly the clothes on my back, my bow and arrows and then the Dragonglass sword. The sword was sheathed in a leather scabbard, a faint blue glow peeked out of the scabbard where there hilt met the leather. My fingers flexed around the leather bound hilt.

Soon enough we were finally ready to embark the journey home. Rowan and Elijah double rode Elijah’s gelding.  I saw Elijah give the cabin one last look, the place that had provided safe haven while the King had a price on his head. We both had to leave our safe havens and face the bastard that ruined our lives.

We rode in utter silence like usual, conversation between us all was stiff and unnecessary, and it was just easier to not speak at all. A sharp wind tugged at our cloaks pulling them taunt at our throats. We were trekking through the woods; we passed the waterfall where Illyria had first spoken to me. Both she and Moorwin flew above staying out of sight. The sun began to kiss the horizon goodnight as his eternal forbidden lover rose to shine light upon the shadows.

“Ariya, serious question. How do you plan to siege the castle?” Rowan asked his voice honest.

“No one who surrenders shall be harmed. I don't want to be harmed. I don't want to destroy Laymeria in the process.”

“Laymeria is already destroyed, and it is you who needs to rebuild it.” Elijah interjected. Whatever attempts we made at conversation died there. After an hour or more of riding we began to set up camp for the night. The dragons quickly returned once the sun was gone. Moorwin settling in next to me.

I leaned into his warmth, his rough scales tickling my flesh. I rubbed the tips of my fingers together dragonfire fire sparking to life. ‘I don't know what I would do without you Moorwin.’ I whispered to the sleeping dragon.

The next morning we were a flurry of activity. Hurrying to get on the road, it was another day’s journey back to the Red Wood; Elijah said the gypsies would be waiting. We had just exited the tree line on a ridge when we saw the smoke. Thick and black pluming over a village resting in the valley’s center. It was most likely a quaint little village if it was not consumed in flames.

I spurred Lady into a gallop. Elijah and Rowan were hot on my heels. We thundered down the hill kicking dust in our wake. I called out to Moorwin, pleading for his help.

At the edge of the burning village stood a small group of grieving villagers. They looked confused and shocked. Others moaned in grief clutching singed belongings. All of them watch as their home was being destroyed.

“MY SWEET SON! Why did he have to go after her?” A woman wept.

“Where is he?” I asked rushing to the woman. My drive to help overthrowing my common sense.

“My son, he went back for his bloody dog!” She was quickly losing her grip on reality, her grief was overcoming her.

“What is his name?” I asked placing my hands on her shoulders, she continued to sob. “WHAT IS HIS NAME?” I yelled shaking her.

“His name is… Aiden.” She choked out. Releasing her she dropped to the ground in a crumbled heap. Yanking off my cloak and drawing my sword brought gasps to the villagers. It was incomprehensible for a woman to wield a sword.

“ARIYA!” Elijah yelled as I ran into the village gulped by the flames. The heat was unbearable; it flashed my skin hot, sweat pooled on my brow. I gripped my sword tighter and began to search through the flames.

Gruesome sights lay before me. Men, women and children alike lay in the flames, their skin bubbling and melting their flesh away. But the flames were not their demise; their throats were brutally slit, their blood boiling like the flesh on their bones. Hatred built within me, this was the King’s doing, not many would so coldly murder children.

“AIDEN!” I yelled. I had to find this boy, it was the only way to make good of this wretched situation. Smoke burned my eyes, I might be impervious to the flames but smoke could kill me none the less.

“Help me!” A voice screamed. Instantly I darted to the noise. Kneeled by the well was a girl no older than six clutching a burnt doll.

“Hey, I won’t hurt you.” I whispered kneeling down to her. Soot smudged her pale face, blonde ringlets framed her round face, and with eyes so blue they reminded me of Moorwin’s. “I'm going to help you.” I offered my hand. She snatched my hand in her tiny one latching herself to me. Standing back up I clutched the girl to my chest my sword still in hand.

“AIDEN!” I yelled again. A figure stumbled from the smoke towards the well. A massive dog trotting at his side holding him up. Rushing forward I grabbed his arm. “Are you Aiden,” The coughing boy nodded his head. “MOORWIN!” I screamed.

A massive shadow began to descend upon the main square of the village. The girl clutched tighter to me the dog growling. “He won’t hurt you, trust me.” I got the young girl on Moorwin and somehow managed to shove the boy on as well. The dog put up a good fight so I ended up knocking it out and pulling it up.

‘Let’s get out of here.’ I told Moorwin. Spreading his wings he kicked off the ground and took to the sky. The gaps of bewilderment illuminated the faces of the remaining villagers as Moorwin descended into the crowd. Elijah and Rowan were the first to surge forward helping me with the girl and boy. The dog was beginning to wake; the little girl as soon as we touched down attached herself to my side.

“What you did was stupid.” Elijah snapped.

“I know, but I can’t let the people of Laymeria suffer because the King is an insufferable bastard.” I hissed glowering. Elijah backed off after that, Rowan just smiled at me proudly.

“MY SON!” The same woman cried racing towards the boy. Now not enveloped in smoke I realized he was older than I had first thought, he looked to be about my age. The woman grasped her son’s shoulders crushing him to her chest sobbing. I watched with a smile on my lips, remembering my own mother’s love.

“I miss my mommy.” The little girl spoke, her voice childlike and sweet. Knitting my brow I kneeled to her level taking her face in my hand.

“Where is your mommy, your papa?” I asked.

“Heaven, that’s where they say they went.” She sniffled.

“My mama and papa are in heaven too.” I whispered tears pooling in my eyes, I laid a soft kiss to her forehead. “My name is Ariya.”

“My name is Minerva.” She smiled her tiny pink lips parting.

“Thank you, thank you so much for saving my son.” Looking up I saw the woman who was now more controlled with her emotions, tears streaked her dirty face.

“It’s the least I could do; all of this is my fault.”

“What do you mean?” asked Aiden, his blond hair was falling into his pale blue eyes.

“Well I brought the King’s wrath upon everyone in Laymeria. I am Ariya Kingsly.”

ȼhɨℓď ๏ƒ ƒɨя€ (ώąţţ¥ ąώąяď$ 2012) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now