Their so happy Together I can't tell her about my feeling's for her

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Jody's POV:

I had no idea how long it had taken me to get free of the rope that bound my hands together I ran over to the door and tried the handle but it was locked, I turned around and saw a window on the other side of the room. I heard Kingsley voice from the other side of the door so I ran over to the window and used my elbow to break the glass, I hoisted myself up and crawled through the window into the cold night air, without a second thought I ran as fast as I could even with the injuries I had and soon I found myself on the main road and I knew exactly where I was. 

I ran across two main roads luckily the traffic was quiet otherwise I probably would have been hit by a car and killed, eventually I saw Dance-works studio in front of me I limped across the car park and hid behind one of the cars when I saw Kingsley's white car speeding down the road. I peaked my head round the corner and I saw Mitchell leaving Dance-works he walked down towards where I was, I knew Mitch wouldn't hurt me but I couldn't stop crying.

Mitchell's POV:

It had been a tiring day everyone was missing Jody I decided to go home early and spend some time with Leah I was on the phone talking to Leah and as I got closer to my car I heard someone crying, I walked towards the back of my car and saw Jody with her knee's pulled into her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them I realised I still had Leah on the phone I cleared my throat and said 'Leah babe I've got to go I'll be home as soon as I can, I love you'. 

I put my phone in my coat pocket and crouched down in front of Jody and said 'Jody it's me Mitchell don't be scared your safe now', Jody flung her arms round me and said 'Oh Mitchell thank god, my brother kidnapped me I'm so scared'. I held out my left hand and said 'Your safe now, take my hand and let's get your inside where it's warm', Jody took my hand and I carefully helped her to her feet but she was so exhausted that her leg's gave out I scooped her up in my arms before she could hit the floor and I carefully carried her back towards the studio. 

As I got closer to the doors I saw Jordan and Perri talking in the car park I cleared my throat and said 'Jordan, Pel it's Jody she need's help' Jordan ran over to me and said 'Where did you find her Mitch', I looked over at my car and said 'She was hiding behind my car, let's get her inside Jordan'. I followed Jordan into studio 1 and carefully laid Jody down on the sofa after placing her down I looked at my hands and saw that they were stained with blood I looked over at Jordan and said 'She's hurt'. 

Jordan's POV:

I went over to the sofa where Jody laid I checked her pulse and said 'Her pulse is ok and I can't see any injuries' Terry walked over and said 'Look at her top there's blood coming through the fabric', we all stood there not knowing what to do Perri ran over and quickly put pressure on the stab wound on Jody's stomach I ran up to the chill out zone and said 'I'm going to call an ambulance, someone should let her boyfriend know she's safe'. 

It felt like it took ages for the ambulance to arrive but it really wasn't that long the paramedics placed Jody carefully on a stretcher and took her to the hospital. 

Tyler's POV:

I was so tired ever since Jody had been kidnapped by her brother Kingsley I'd not been sleeping well, after breakfast I decided to go for a walk through the park as I got to the bridge I saw Lily walking her black Labrador puppy she saw me and ran over and hugged me before saying 'Tyler it's so good to see you, how are you'. I faked a smile and said 'Yeah I'm ok, abit tired sorry I've not been sleeping well' I was close to tears again Lily hugged me again and said 'Look I'm just on my way to my Cafe why don't you come back with me and I'll make you a hot chocolate', I nodded and followed Lily back to her Cafe. 

Lily's Cafe was nice and warm I sat down at one of the tables and waited for Lily to come back with the drinks, she placed a mug of hot chocolate down in front of me and said 'Tyler is everything alright between you and Jody, when I saw you at Mikes wedding you both looked so happy together', I took a sip of my drink and said 'No everything's alright between me and Jody, she was on tour with Diversity until she was kidnapped by her brother Kingsley'. 

Lily put down her mug and said 'Oh Tyler I'm so sorry, are the police looking for her' I nodded and I was about to reply when my phone rang I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Mike ringing me, I answered the phone and Mike told me to come home as he had some news about Jody. I put my phone away and said 'Lily I've got to go, Mike's got some news about Jody' Lily nodded and said 'That's ok Tyler, I'll see you soon'. 

I ran home and burst through the front door and came to abrupt stop when I saw Mike come out of the office, I felt tears in my eyes as I said 'Please just tell me where she is' Mike stepped towards me and said 'She's in hospital, she's has a minor...

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I ran home and burst through the front door and came to abrupt stop when I saw Mike come out of the office, I felt tears in my eyes as I said 'Please just tell me where she is' Mike stepped towards me and said 'She's in hospital, she's has a minor stab wound but she's making improvement the doctors are really happy with her progress', I turned around and ran back outside Mike ran after me and said 'Tyler wait' I turned around and said 'I need to go and see her Mike, I just need to see for myself that she's alright'. 

I ran all the way to the hospital and onto the Mayflower ward, the receptionist pointed me in the direction of Jody's room I stopped outside the door and took a deep breath before knocking on the door and walking in. 

Jody's POV:

I was reading one of my books when I heard a knock on my room door I looked up expecting to see a doctor or nurse but instead I saw Tyler I smiled and said 'Your here' he came closer and kissed me on the lips before saying 'Of course I'm always going to be here for you Jody'. Whilst Tyler was with me the Police came in to take a statement from me after they'd gone a doctor came in and told me that I would need to stay in overnight and if everything looked ok in the morning then I could be discharged which was really good news. 

It was around three when Ashley and the rest of Diversity popped in to see how I was they bought lots of cards and presents, Sam sat down on one of the chairs and said 'Are you going to be out of hospital in time for the rest of the tour' I nodded and said 'Yeah I'm hoping to get discharged tomorrow'. 

Perri's POV:

It was around six and everyone else had gone home I walked down to the cafe to get myself a coffee Ashley walked beside me he looked at me and said 'Are you going to tell her how you feel' I shook my head and said 'I can't their so happy together, I can't ruin it by telling her about my feelings for her'. Once I'd queued for hours and purchased myself and Coffee and Jody a hot chocolate I made my way back up to the ward and as I got closer to Jody's room I heard raised voices. 

I stood outside the door and listened as Jody said 'It's not your decision whether I go back on tour or not Tyler', I then heard Tyler say 'But Jody what if the Police don't catch Kingsley and he comes back for you again'. I watched as Jody started crying uncontrollably I couldn't stand there and watch so I walked in and said 'Tyler that's enough I think you need to leave', Tyler turned around and said 'Why should I, I'm Jody's boyfriend what are you to her' I looked over at Jody who was still crying and I blurted out 'I LOVE HER'. 

I don't know why I said that it just came out I watched as Tyler stormed out, I placed the drinks down on the table and sat next to Jody on the bed I placed my right arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, she rested her head on my chest and drifted off to sleep on the outside I was smiling but on the inside I wondered whether I should have said that I loved Jody or kept it a secret 

I just need someone to Save meМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя