Jody's Been Kidnapped

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Jody's POV:

Performing on stage with Ashley and the others was like a dream come true once the show had finished I made my way backstage, I dropped my water bottle so I stopped and crouched down to pick it up and then I heard the voice I feared say 'Hello Monkey' I didn't have time to run Kingsley grabbed me with one hand round my throat and one hand clamped over my mouth. I wriggled in an attempt to get free and when I kicked him I felt a sharp pain in my neck and my whole body started to go all limp. 

Sam's POV:

We were all getting ready to leave when Starr noticed that Jody was missing, so we split up to see if we could find her I was searching the car park when I heard a car coming from somewhere, I whipped round and was blinded by the lights of a speeding car. Acting quickly I stepped out of the way and as I did so I caught sight of an unconscious Jody tied up and gagged in the back of the car, I scrambled to my feet and ran after the car unfortunately the car was going too fast and I couldn't catch up with it.

Ashley ran over and said 'Sam what happened are you alright' I was out of breath from running so fast but I managed to say 'Jody's been Kidnapped, I saw her tied up and gagged in the back of a speeding car', Ashley lead me over to the tour bus and sat me down on one of the chairs and cleaned the cut on my forehead. 

After a while the Police arrived to take a statement from me, I'd only managed to get part of the car's number plate and myself and the rest of Diversity just had to wait, hope and pray that they find Jody safe and sound. 

Jody's POV:

I slowly came round but I found I couldn't move my hands or feet and I felt a strip of fabric over my eyes, I heard a door open and footsteps coming closer. A pair of rough hands pulled the fabric from my eyes I blinked quickly and saw my brother standing in front of me holding a kitchen knife in his right hand, I screamed as Kingsley grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head back and placing the knife to my throat he leaned in and said 'Get a good look at this place because it's the last place you'll see, your never going to see your friends again and also your never going to see Tyler again'. 

I gulped and said 'Why what are you going to do to me' Kingsley sneered and said 'I'm going to kill you for sending me to prison multiple times'. I summoned some strength from somewhere and shook Kingsley off me he stepped beside me and smacked me across the face, I burst into tears and said 'Kingsley please just let me go, I don't want to die' Kingsley got right in my face I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he said 'Yeah well I didn't want to go to prison twice but you made the choice of sending me there, so now I'm making the choice of killing you. 

Tyler's POV:

I was woken by someone gently shaking me on the shoulders I stirred slightly and saw Mai Li standing by my bed, still half asleep I sat up she smiled and said 'Tyler I need to speak to you downstairs it's rather urgent'. I got out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown before following Mai Li downstairs as I walked into the office I saw a police officer sat on the sofa, Mai Li sat at her desk and said 'Tyler this is PC Greene she's got something to tell you'. 

The police constable stood up and said 'Tyler why don't you sit down' I folded my arms and said 'Please just tell me what's wrong is it my mum', PC Greene shook her head and said 'No it's about Miss Jody Jackson'. My eyes widened at the mention of Jody's name I looked up and said 'Jody what's happened to her please just tell me', PC Greene sat down and said 'At approximately 8:30 this evening Jody was kidnapped from the venue where Diversity were performing'. 

I sat down on the sofa and burst into tears thinking the worst, PC Greene looked over at me and said 'Tyler we're doing everything we can to try and find your girlfriend, is there anyone you can think of who might want to hurt her', one name in particular came to my mind I turned to PC Greene and said 'Her older brother Kingsley, I don't know where he'd be it might be worth asking her mum she's always in contact with that snake'. The rest of the conversation was all a blur I stood in the hall as Mai Li showed PC Greene out, I stopped staring at my feet and looked up at Mai Li she was talking to me but my head was all a blur and I couldn't hear a word she was saying I just ran upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me. 

The next morning I came downstairs for breakfast as I got closer to the kitchen I heard Ryan say 'The Police will never find Jody, she's as good as dead' I wave of anger came over me I stormed into the kitchen and grabbed Ryan by his jumper and said 'Now you listen to me you nasty piece of work, if you say one more thing about Jody I will punch your shinning teeth through the back of your skull', Mai Li ran in and said 'Tyler let him go' I stepped back as Mai Li said 'Ryan your grounded for two weeks, with double chores and If myself or mike hear you saying anything about Jody or upsetting Tyler then you'll be grounded for three weeks. Do you understand'. 

(Still Tyler's POV:

I spent most of my day upstairs in my room hoping and praying that Jody would be ok, I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at my bedroom door I wiped away the tears and said 'Come in'. I looked up slightly and saw Charlie walk in she sat down on my chair and held out a mug I wiped away more tears and said 'What's this' Charlie smiled and said 'It's hot chocolate against the cold and worry it'll really help', I took the hot chocolate from Charlie and slowly sipped it I placed the cup on my bedside table and said 'I just want her back Charlie, I wish I knew where she was I'd go and rescue her myself'. 

Charlie hugged me tightly and said 'Tyler the police will find her, you just have to have faith' I nodded and said 'Faith is all that's giving me hope that she will be found alive and well. I just need some time alone Charlie do you mind', Charlie smiled and said 'No I understand, I'll see you later'. 

Perri's POV:

We'd made the decision to move the today's two shows to later on in the week as we all felt that the show wouldn't be the same without Jody, we were currently at the studio and whilst the others were all in the main studio I was in the smaller studio trying to dance through my emotions, I looked in the mirror and saw Ashley walk in he watched me dance for abit before turning the music. I stopped out of breath Ashley walked over and said 'Pel you need to slow down you'll burn yourself out, you've been quiet all morning what's up' I sat down with my back against the mirrors and said 'I'm worried about Jody I just want to see her back safe and sound', Ashley nodded and said 'We're all worried about her Pel'. 

I took a deep breath and said 'Every time I'm around her I get a funny feeling in my stomach and I've never felt this way around another girl before, I think I love her Ash', Ashley sat down beside me and said 'Have you told her that you love her'. I pulled my knee's up to my chest and buried my head down before saying 'What's the point she's with Tyler, I just want a girlfriend I'm sick of being single', Ashley pulled me into a hug and said 'Pel I know I've said this countless times but you will find a girlfriend and she will be the luckiest girl in the entire world'.

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