The injured Vikings, though, still seemed a bit hesitant. Gobber then spoke up "Come on! We're Vikings. We've faced through worse before and you guys are here scared of a fifteen year old treating your wounds?"

"It's best you get them treated now as it can be worse later if left untreated." Hicca advised.

Finally, one Viking came forward holding up his singed arm. Hicca then took the burn cream she has with her and started treating the burn. The Vikings eyes grew wide as they watched how easily and professionally she took care of the arm. As soon as she finished, she turned to the crowd. "Next?" she asked.

Seeing how good she is, more injured Vikings stepped forward, shoving each other aside to get the treatment first. "One at a time people, one at a time." Hicca called out. She couldn't help but smile. Finally.

Stoick was the most shocked and amazed at this new discovery. Who knew she was that good?

Gobber noticed Stoicks' expression and nudged him. "Surprised huh?" he said causally.

Stoick turned to Gobber "How long has she been good at this?" He asked.

"Since she was eleven, I think. It's been her passion ever since. I think when you guys get back to Berk; you should have a talk with her." Gobber suggested. Stoick nodded. There were many things he needed to talk with her and Hiccup about.

Remembering his son, Stoick made his way towards the healers' hut, which has been set up by the non-injured Vikings. Hicca saw where her dad was going and called to Astrid. "Hey, Astrid. Can you come here for a second?"

Astrid immediately walked to Hicca. "Do you mind going to the healers hut and checking on my brother for me." Hicca asked, while treating another warriors' wound.

Astrid nodded "Sure." As she left, she couldn't help but be in awe at Hicca skills. She did tell her she wanted to be a healer, but Astrid never knew Hicca was this good. 'She must have picked up this talent after I ditched her and her brother. I wonder what else is there about her that I don't know about.' She thought glumly.

When she reached the tent she saw the chief with an expressionless face holding his sons' hand while Toothless was at Hiccups' other side, crooning sadly at his rider. The healer notice Astrid there and began ushering her out.

"You need to leave, miss." The healer said kindly.

"Why? What's going on?" Astrid asked now concerned.

"We need to begin the amputation and the less people around here, the better." The healer said with sorrow.

Astrid walked away trying to hold back her tears and walked back to where Hicca was. "Well?" Hicca asked as soon as she saw Astrid.

Astrid tried to say something but couldn't. She didn't need to, however, as a loud and familiar scream caused everyone to jump. Noticing Astrids' expression, Hicca knew what was going on. "They're doing the amputation, aren't they?" she whispered.

Astrid only nodded in reply.

Hicca closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She took a moment to recollect herself before she went back to her patients' wound.

Two hours have passed since the final battle and Hicca was finished treating every wound. She would have enjoyed that moment if she could have shared the experience with her brother. As soon as she was finished she and Midnight went to where her brother lying down and she hasn't left ever since. Looking out in the distance, she noticed that everyone, including her dad, was gathered around, looking like they were having a serious discussion. Curiosity getting the best of her, Hicca got up. She turned to Toothless "Watch after him, bud." She said. The Night Fury nodded in determination. Hicca and Midnight then made their way towards the crowd. "Hey what's going on?" She asked, interrupting their discussion.

Stoick turned to his daughter "We're trying to figure out a way to get back to Berk. With Hiccups' condition, it's best that we get there soon." He informed her. Hicca said nothing and turned to stare at the ocean, to everyones' confusion.

"We need rope." Hicca muttered, making everyone more confused.

"What?" Gobber asked.

"There's a ship out there still standing. It looks good enough to hold a few people. If we get some rope, we can use the dragons to pull the ship with Hiccup, dad, Gobber, Toothless and a few other Vikings back to Berk, explain the situation to everyone who stayed behind and send more ships out to get the remaining Vikings. So we're going to need rope. Six long ropes to be exact." Hicca said. Nobody moved as they stared at the youngest Haddock in shock. They were trying to solve this problem for an hour and she comes up, learns the problem and instantly came up with a solution. She was full of surprises. Hicca started getting annoyed with the lack of response.

"Well?! What are you guys waiting for?! Quit wasting time and go get the rope!" Hicca shouted, snapping them out of it. Intimidated, some of the Vikings ran off to find the ropes while the rest stayed and become more surprised at her. Even Stoick was shock. Who knew she had such a loud, commanding voice? First Hiccup, now Hicca.

'Like father, like daughter.' Gobber thought.

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