The Nadder Incident

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Gobber, annoyed at him and his sister for not focusing, decided to be brief "They are elusive for a reason. No one has ever seen one and lived. Now focus!"

But that did not deter the stubborn Haddock boy "I know, I read that, but hypothetically-" He started to ask before being cut off by Astrid as she and Snotlout were crouched down beside a maze wall with the blue Deadly Nadder inches away. "Get down!" she whispered at Hiccup. Deciding to save the questions for later, Hiccup crouched down behind Snotlout as Astrid looked ahead waiting for the right opportunity.

On the side opposite to the three teens, Hicca and Raeda came up. Raeda, who saw Astrid and realized what she was going to, silently signalled Hicca to get back, leaving space for the other three.

As the blue Nadder had its' back turned, oblivious to the teens behind it, Astrid and Snotlout managed to tuck and roll safely to where Hicca and Raeda were. Hiccup, however wasn't as lucky as the weight of the shield held him back, alerting the Nadder of his presence! The Nadder then went after him and came across Raeda, Snotlout and Astrid. Raeda, seeing her opportunity, got her bow and arrow ready. However, Snotlout, hoping to impress Astrid, shoved Raeda out of the way.

"Watch out, Rae. I'll take care of this." With that, he threw his hammer which hit the maze wall instead, amusing the blue Nadder and earning glares from Raeda and Astrid.

"The sun was in my eyes, Astrid and Raeda. What do you two want me to do, block out the sun? I am capable of doing that, but I can't right now because I am being chased by a Deadly Nadder!" he defended himself as the three of them ran away from the Nadder.

No longer being chased by one the Nadders, Hiccup turned to Gobber "They sleep during the day. Just like a cat. Has anyone ever seen the dragon sleeping?" Behind him the other teens ran away from the two Deadly Nadders, with the blue one knocking down walls while chasing Astrid. Astrid then jumped on top of one of the falling maze walls and noticed that Hiccup was directly in her path.

"HICCUP!" she yelled but it was too late. She fell on top of him with her axe stuck in his shield.

"Oooh! What do we have here? Love on the battlefield!" Tuffnut jeered.

"She could do way better." Ruffnut taunted.

Just then, the purple Deadly Nadder came after the rest of the teens, launching its spines at them. Luckily for them, some of the spines got deflected by a shield as Raeda bravely came in front of the Nadder, her bow and arrows ready. Having reached its' shot limit, the purple Nadder decided to retreat, leaving the blue Nadder, who was approaching Hiccup and Astrid, the latter still trying to get her axe out of the formers' shield. As the Nadder got closer to the two, Astrid decided to just take the axe with the shield still stuck on it and hit the Nadder in the face, causing the dragon to also retreat.

"Well done, Astrid and Raeda." Gobber said.

"Thanks Gobber." Raeda said, pleased with herself.

Astrid, however, was not happy at all. She turned to Hiccup who was still on the ground. "Is this some kind of a joke to you?! Like a playtime or something?! Our parents' war is about to become ours! If you can't understand that then just drop out of training and figure out which side you're on!" she shouted at him. Wordlessly, Hiccup got up and left. Hicca stayed back, her blood started to boil after watching Astrid yell at her brother.

"Hey Astrid!" she yelled as she came up to her and shoved her, much to everyone else's shock "What is your problem?! Hiccup is not the only one who messed up and you know it! And yet you're still coming after him just because he accidently got in your way-"

"Exactly! He got in my way! That's what you two always do! We're here fighting for our lives and here you two are, getting in every ones way and causing more disaster than there already is!" Astrid shouted.

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