It took a couple seconds of silence before Jihyo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung began to laugh, but Y/N, Sana, and Momo were not. When the three see the other three being serious, they stopped their antics. "Wait, are you serious right now?" asks Jihyo. Y/N nods. 

"That's not even possible." says Dahyun. "A girl from Y/N's favorite anime becomes real? Sounds like a fantasy to me. We don't live in an anime." 

"But it's true." Y/N pleads with a pout. "She has her features, her mole, her voice, everything! Literally, Myoui Mina was in my bed!" 

"We'll believe it when we see it." says Chaeyoung. 

• • •

"...Okay, I believe it." Chaeyoung says slowly.

It was finally the end of classes and the six girls rushed to the train station and headed to Y/N, Sana, and Momo's apartment. Before Y/N could even open the door, there was the sound of glass breaking inside. Immediately unlocking the door, Y/N pushes the door open, seeing a sad Mina sitting on the ground with with a broken glass plate of egg and fried rice on the ground. 

"What're you doing?" Y/N had asked. 

Mina's eyes start to tear up. "I-I heard you coming and I-I wanted to w-welcome you home with s-some food! But I tripped!" She cries out with a pout. 

"Holy shit, she's cute." says Jihyo. Y/n glared at the girl, making Jihyo raise her arms in defense. "Hey, just complimenting her. She's all yours you Otaku."

Y/N scoffs before looking back at the crying Mina on the ground. Sighing, she goes to kneel down to her position. "Stop crying it's fine, I'll clean it up." Looking at Mina's hands, Y/N's eyes widen. "Yah! You're bleeding!" She says worriedly and takes Mina's hands in hers before examining them. Mina blushes at the sudden contact. She didn't notice her hands were bleeding until Y/N had mentioned it. 

"Aigo..." Y/N says. "Sorry girls, could you clean this up? I need to bandage her hands." 

"Of course." Jihyo says happily. "Now go take care of your girlfriend." Y/N turns to look at the girl while Jihyo looks else where to avoid Y/N's gaze. 

Shaking her head, Y/N faces Mina. "Come on, get up." She says. Nodding her head, Mina slowly gets up from the ground, her hands still in Y/N's hold. Y/N goes to bring the girl to the bathroom while the rest of the girls go to clean the mess on the ground. 

"Seriously, why couldn't you just leave it in the dining room?" Y/N frustratingly asks. Mina frowns. 

"I'm sorry. I thought it would make you happy senpai." She apologizes. 

"Aish, please stop calling me that." 

"What? Senpai?"

"Yes! That!" Y/N speaks back in Japanese. "I don't like it." Mina frowns even more. 

"B-but, you are my senpai!" 

"Do you even know what country you're in right now?" Y/N asks. Mina shakes her head. 

"You're in South Korea, not Japan." Y/N answers. 

"K-Korea? How?" Mina asks. Y/N just sighs. 

"Nevermind, just get on the counter. I'll get the bandages." Nodding, Mina tries to get on the counter, but winces as she looks at her hands, struggling to support herself up on the table because of her wounds. 

Seeing this, Y/N goes to help the girl up bridal style before placing her on the cold surface. "Thank you, senpai." 

"What did I say?" 

"...Sorry senpai."


"Yah we can hear you you lovebirds!" Chaeyoung shouts from outside. 

"Oh shut up!" Y/N shouts from the bathroom. "Just clean up the mess!" 

Chaeyoung scoffs as she wipes down the wooden ground of the apartment. Jihyo and Dahyun had already picked up the food while Momo and Sana got the cleaning supplies for them to do so. "What a great hostess, making their guest clean their own home." She mutters before vigorously wiping down the floor until it was spotless. 

"I'm sorry if I'm troubling you." Mina says. Y/N stops blowing on Mina's hand to look at the teary Japanese girl in front of her. "You sound irritated."

"It's not that." Y/N says before wiping down carefully the blood away from Mina's hands. "I just got worried. I don't want your hands to get infected. That can be bad for you." 

Mina nods her head, taking in the features of Y/N's face with her eyes. Mina couldn't help it, the girl was pretty. Sure she had brown eyes and dark brown hair like everyone, but she the way she was built by god himself is a treasure. "You're really pretty." Mina blurts out. 

Y/N chuckles, smiling wide at the non-Korean speaker. "Why thank you, Mina-chan. You're quite gorgeous yourself." 

Mina couldn't hide the red blush on her cheeks as she smiles wide at Y/N's compliment. "Arigato gozaimasu." 

"Also, there is no need for formality." Y/N says. "Just call me Y/N." 

"But aren't you older than me?" asks a curious Mina. "Yes actually, I am." Y/N states. "But as for right now, call me Y/N, okay, Mina-chan?"

"Okay!" Mina says with her signature gummy smile that Y/N fell for in the anime. 

"Alright, yours hands are all bandaged up!" Y/N says as she throws away the opened bandage packets. "You're good to go." 

"Arigato, Y/N sen... Y/N! A-arigato Y/N." Mina stutters, blushing once more. Y/N couldn't help but laugh and smile at the girl's antics. 

"Did you cook any more?" Y/N asks. Mina nods her head. 

"I did, but not enough for all of you." She says. "I didn't know you had girls coming over." 

Y/N noticed how much Mina emphasized the 'girl' and chuckles as she sees Mina glaring at nothing. "Well my friends will probably cook something anyways. They do whatever they want in the house sometimes. Now, let's go. We've been in the bathroom too long, they will think we're doing stuff." 

"Stuff?" Mina asks confused. 

Y/N shakes her head and laughs. "Don't overthink it." She says. Mina smiles and nods her head. 

"Okay." She says before kissing Y/N on the cheek, dangerous close to her lips, before walking out of the bathroom causally to see what the girls were cooking in the kitchen. Y/N on the other hand was caught off guard. She didn't expect the dandere girl to do such a teasing act. 

Blushing wide, Y/N shakes her head and slaps her cheeks before breathing in and out. "Gosh, what am I doing?" She says to herself before walking out, coughing to clear her throat before following behind an already gone Mina. 

• • •

a/n: I'm thinking of writing a MiTzu oneshot ...

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