Chapter 4

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The next morning...
Hermione wakes up and opens her eyes to see a Harry under her body and smiles. She think he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, why does everything have to happen to him, when he at his aunt and uncle's house they just aboues him all the time , how can someone live like that. Lost in her thoughts. She does not see Harry looks at her.

"Morning love"

"Um morning"

"How long have you been staring at me for" has a long sided grin

"I don't know"


"What you thinking about"


Agin she gets lost into his green eyes , thinking about how she loves him so much and does not want to lose him ever .

"Earth to earth anyone in there"

"Sorry" admit I aways get lost into them eyes

Now it's Harry's turn to get lost into her big brown eyes looking at him.

Why do I get lost into her eyes so dam quick, it like I'm attracted to them or something. She so cute, funny , my bookworm, age all I could ask for but she does not think she beautiful but she is and that an end to that thought but I jut love her with my heart and I don't want to lose her to anyone.

To Ron and Mia...

Ron wakes up to a curly black heir in his face but it does not take long to realise that it is Harry's sister on top of him and he smiles, he two green eyes looking at him .


"Morning" Mia

"Sleep well" Ron

"Yes ,you"

"Good because I am only dreaming about the most beautiful girl I ever met and she's right in front of me"Ron

"Aww I fell touched and slightly gone red"Mia

" I think we should get dressed and go down to breakfast and see your brother or yours , smirks" to


Both get off the bed and get dressed and they walk hand in hand,

Draco and his friends stand there .

"Oh look it red head and scar head sister", all of the chuckle

Ron blood start to boil

"One more word and you get a punch on your ugly face"Ron

"Ooo so scary, I'm so scared" Draco

"He's not worth it Ron , he's just a loner who want to insult people and he's just a softy inside of the brain of his witch he is so dumb that snap just make him look like he's owns the place but he does not" Mia

Gets a bit angry " sticking up for your boyfriend now , half blood scum"
Turns around and leaves but and arm and punch's Draco in the face and breaks his nose.

"He deserves that"Ron

Both Ron and Mia go to the great hall and look , he sees a brown heir girl and a black messy heir boy and they know it Harry and Hermione. They go and sit opposite them and get some food on the plates.

Both Harry and Hermione look at them and both see Ron hand bruised.

"Ron what happened to your hand" points to it


"What did he do now"Hermione says

"Well his normal insults and Ron punched him in the nose and broke it" Mia

All four of them laugh

"Well then" all of them"

Breakfast finishes and they all leave to the lesson..

To be continued...

Lily and The marauder boy (lily and James /Harry (harmione)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें