Chapter 3

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We skip to the the train ride to Hogwarts. Hermione and Harry go threw first, try Ron and Mia , then lily and James come there to say good by to there children and of course Ron .

Lily and James say there good byes and hug them and let go and said bye to Ron as well .

They got on a train and found a compartment at the end of the train and sat in it with Ron and Mia one one side and Hermione and Harry on the other side. As the train went on the witch came with the food trolley , Harry byes everyone something and gives it to them and the witch left and Harry close the door and sat down as Hermione sat on his lap , the great Draco Malfoy showed up and opens the door

Draco what do we have here the mudblood and potter and oh another potter and a weasley, both his mates laughs.

Harry blood is boiling up inside him, gets up and goes to punch Malfoy but get pulled back by Hermione .

Harry calm down , he's not worth it.

Draco oh look mudblood standing up for her boyfriend. He sniggers , nor Hermione blood is boiling and gets up and punch Malfoy in the face and breaks his noice , no get out of here before I hex you to mars and back . Malfoy gets up and runs out with his two best friends behind him. Harry whisper in Hermione ear , good one .

Thanks Harry , she turn red a bit and hides it in Harry chest both Mia and Ron bust out laughing .

Harry what

Both say you should have seen Malfoy face when he left , he looks like a cry baby who's lost there mother and Dady . All hurts out laughs on what Ron has just said .

At they got to Hogwarts and got of the train , Harry could here hagrid shout out first years this way Harry waves at hagrid and he waved back and hagrid tock the first years to cross the lake as everyone else got on a wagon and went to Hogwarts that way as they got to the entrance of the castle, bloody peeves was at the entrance blocking the way in .

When I Hurd professor McGonagall came walked to peeves and told to let everyone in and he did . Everyone walks to the great hall and sits down on to there tables . Ron and Mia sat on  side and Hermione and Harry on the other side . Dumbledore did his speech and then the sorting happened, 10 new students to slytherin, 15 to hufflepuff , 17 to ravenclaw and 20 to gryffindor, and let the fest begin.

After another speech Harry and Mia potter became prefects for gryffindor, so they we're a pin on the robs . And dumbledore set them off to bed as they have lesson tomorrow. Both Ron and Harry's said good night to there girlfriend , hugged and kissed and went off to bed.

All of them thinking about each other

To be continued...

Lily and The marauder boy (lily and James /Harry (harmione)Where stories live. Discover now