Chapter 11: New war; old war

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(BTW I used current year because I don't know if someone will read this next year or in a few years and be like 'but it is 2015!' So yeah.)

Neko!Hetalia x Reader 2
Chapter 11
New war; old war

"(Current year)?!" Romano and Antonio exclaimed.

You smiled. "Yep~!"

"That's so far in the future! Are you like a time traveler chica?!" Antonio asked in amazement.

You were about to respond, but Romano interrupted you. "Tch! No way! She's obviously lying to us to save her miserable excuse of a f*cking life!"

"That's quite funny Romano, just earlier I thought you couldn't take your eyes off me~" You tilted your head and smirked. "Well it's been fun boys, but I have my Roma and Toni to get back to~ Untie me please."

They both laughed. "I don't think so chica. We still don't believe you." Antonio said, crossing his arms.

You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Seriously guys?" You sighed. "Fine. What can I tell you so you will believe me?"

They looked at each other for a moment in thought then looked back at you. "OK. Here's a question: What is my sibling's name if I have one?" Romano asked.

You rolled your (e/c) eyes again for like the 100th time in the last hour. "C'mon Romano! That's not even remotely hard!" You whined.

"You're just stalling because you can't answer it." He said with a smirk.

You hadn't really seen Romano's smirk and it was damn sexy, you couldn't lie.

"Oh I know it." You cleared you throat for effect. "Your 'fratello's name is Feliciano Vargas. He is somewhat lazy and in my opinion very cute. He doesn't really open his eyes a lot and he likes to make the 'veh' sound. He is also the personification of North Italy. Happy now?" You giggled as Romano's jaw dropped to the floor. So you decided to continue. "Oh and in the future Italy and Germany will form an alliance together with Japan. You don't like Germany and call him a 'potato bastard'."

If Romano's mouth could of fallen off in shock it would've.

You laughed even harder. "So, now do you believe me?"

The conversation ended in one synchronized syllable.



(Present time)

"So _____ actually told you she was from the future?! That's so cool!" Alfred laughed.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Now what comes next?"

Allistor rubbed his chin. "Well let's see. . . Me, you, the Nordics, and Alfred all decided to go after her. We thought there was one place where they would take _____."

"Well where?!" They all yelled in sync.

Allistor smirked. "Why, Spain of course~"


(To the past!)

"Where are we even going?" You asked Romano and Antonio who now believe you weren't a threat to them.

"Well chica, I'm taking you to the country of love~" Antonio said, blowing you a kiss with a wink.

"France?" You asked.

"What?! No! Spain, my country!" He exclaimed.

You giggled. "I was kidding. But I've never been to Spain before. . ."

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